Present Simple vs. Present Continuous (HW for 5th B due Fri. May 30th)

Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

Bilbo ________ (love) to eat a large breakfast with lots and lots of bacon and eggs but on this journey he __________ (skip) almost every meal!
Gandalf ___________(keep) quiet right now, even tough he normally ___________(make fun) of the little hobbit and his over sensitive stomach.
The Dwarves ___________(not like) the fact that their burglar is fat and not very active and yet, right now, they_____________(congratulate) him on his escape from the mountain passes and  _________(cook) him a fine meal with what they _________(have) at hand which isn’t much.
Smaug, meanwhile, ________(sleep) on his golden bed and _________(not think) about any dwarves or hobbits.
Beorn _________(point) the party in the right direction, for the moment but they _______(lose) their way very often.
Normally 5th B ___________(not like) reading but, right now, they _______(ask) their teacher to read on… they _________ (make fun) of him all the time when he ___________(not look) . Everybody ___________(yell) “NO!” as Hector ___________(write) another question.

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