5th Bimester GRAMMAR review (5th A and B due Mon. Jun. 2nd)

Grammar 5th Bimester

May - June Bimester   exam guide
I.-Present Simple
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Present Simple.
1          I _______________ photography. (like)
2          Where _____________________ ? (Sam / work)
3          How many languages _______________ ? (you / speak)
4          Sue _______________ in London. (not live)
5          _______________ to work by bus ? (they / go)
II.- Past simple:
Write the Simple Past tense of the verb in brackets.
e.g.  The teacher ____liked_______(like) exams.
1.-  The students ________________ (love) their free time.
2.- It ________(be) very late when my girlfriend called.
3.- I _______________(write) the answer to the exam question on a small piece of paper.
4.- I _______________(have) a great time in Six Flags!
5.-We _______________(eat) the entire birthday cake.
III.- Comparative + Superlative
Correct use of adjectives in the comparative and superlative.
Instructions:  Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct form – comparative or superlative.          
1.- Olinca is the _____________ (good) school in the world!!!
2.- An iPod classic is ______________(cheap) than an iPod touch.
3.- I have the _____________ (small) feet in my family.
4.- I always have to ask for a ________________(small) size shoe.
5.- “Avatar” is a _________________(popular) film than “Up”.
IV.- Present Continuous + Present simple
 Write the either the Present Continuous or the Present Simple depending on the situation.
1.- I always _________________(love) a good game of squares but right now I________________(play) football with my friends.
2.- Today we________________(work) on Grammar even though we usually only_________(play) during English class.
3.- Daniela _____________ (chat) with her friends every time the teacher tries to explain something, that’s why she_____________(get) a report now.
4.-  At this moment I______________ (finish) my homework but normally I only __________ television in the evenings.
5.-  They______________________(answer)  the grammar guide as they __________(go) home.

V.- Past Simple and Past Continuous
Complete the texts with the verbs in the Past Simple and the Past Continuous:
1.- The other day I_____________________(walk) to school when a huge dog ____________(try)to bite me!
2.- It ____________________(appear) out of nowhere and started _________________(chase) me for no apparent reason.
3.- After a few blocks it ___________________(catch up) when suddenly Super Teacher Hector ______________(fly) down from the sky and saved me!!!
4.- I could not believe it, the dog ______________________(bark) loudly when we ________________ (escape) from it.
5.- After that, I ____________________(scared) of falling to the ground but Super Teacher Hector ________________(put) me down safely near my house.

VI.- “Will” for predictions:
Write each prediction in “will”.
e.g.  The teacher ___will____ like his student’s grades.
1.-  The students ________________ have free time.
2.- It ________be very late when I finish studying.
3.- I ________ pass the exam with flying colours.
4.- He _________bring the information  tomorrow!
5.-We __________celebrate her birthday with a cake.

VII.- “Will” for predictions:
Write each prediction in the NEGATIVE. If the sentence doesn’t make sense, correct it so it does.
e.g.  The teacher ___won’t____ like his student’s grades.
1.-  The students ________________ have free time.
2.- It ________be very late when I finish studying.
3.- I ________ pass the exam with flying colours. _______________________________________________________________________
4.- He _________bring the information  tomorrow! _______________________________________________________________________
5.-We __________celebrate her birthday with a cake. _______________________________________________________________________
VIII.- “Will” for predictions:
Write each of the past 5 sentences as a QUESTION. If the sentence doesn’t make sense, correct it so it does. Remember that all you have to do is move the “will” to the beginning!!!
e.g.: The teacher ___won’t____ like his student’s grades.
______Will the teacher like his student’s grades?______________
1.       ____________________________________________________________________
2.       ____________________________________________________________________
3.       ____________________________________________________________________
4.       ____________________________________________________________________
5.       ____________________________________________________________________
IX.- Future conditional:
Write a proper condition for each event.
e.g.: The teacher will be happy if...__we all get a 10________________
1.- My parents will be angry if...__________________________________________________
2.- My dog will die if...__________________________________________________________
3.- He will become obese if..._____________________________________________________
4.- They will be famous if..._______________________________________________________
5.- My dog will be happy if_____________________________________________________

X.- Arrangements and intentions:
Instructions: Complete each sentence with either “going to” or the present continuous using the verb in parenthesis.                       (10 points)
1.- I_________________ (sudy) a lot for my grammar exam.

2.- He _________________ (sit) the exam next Tuesday.

3.- Tomorrow at noon, I______________(get) my new Palystation 4.

4.- 5th grade is ____________(win) the tournament!

5.- Tonight, I______________(buy) a new movie.

XI.  Present Perfect.    (10 points)
Write a sentence using the Present Perfect and the verb in parenthesis.
e.g.: (draw)__I have drawn a picture for art class____
1.- (kiss)________________________________________
2.-(eat) ________________________________________
3.-(write) ________________________________________
5.-(jump) ________________________________________
6.-(clean) ________________________________________
7.-(brush) ________________________________________
8.-(go) ________________________________________
9.-(meet) ________________________________________
10.-(finish) ________________________________________

Good luck, and see you tomorrow!

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