Countable and uncountable nouns: HW due 29/01/2013

Listen to the song and remember the rules for which is which!

Countable nouns are easy to recognize. They are things that we can count. For example: "pen". We can count pens. We can have one, two, three or more pens.

Uncountable nouns are substances, concepts etc that we cannot divide into separate elements. We cannot "count" them. For example, we cannot count "milk". We can count "bottles of milk" or "litres of milk", but we cannot count "milk" itself.

Then answer the following questions:

A. Are these nouns countable or uncountable? Write a "C" for countable ones and a "U" for uncountable ones.

1. water ____________
2. fruit ____________
3. coconut ____________
4. bread ____________
5. DVD ____________
6. meat ____________
7. ball ____________
8. snack____________
9. glasses____________
10. pen ____________
11. milk____________
12. chair____________
13. gasoline____________
14. table____________
15. cream____________
16. money____________
17. oil ____________
18. insect____________
19. sofa____________
20. yogurt____________
21. school____________
22. bus ____________
23. food ____________
24. chocolate ____________
25. ship ____________

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