Countable and uncountable nouns: HW due 29/01/2013

Listen to the song and remember the rules for which is which!

Countable nouns are easy to recognize. They are things that we can count. For example: "pen". We can count pens. We can have one, two, three or more pens.

Uncountable nouns are substances, concepts etc that we cannot divide into separate elements. We cannot "count" them. For example, we cannot count "milk". We can count "bottles of milk" or "litres of milk", but we cannot count "milk" itself.

Then answer the following questions:

A. Are these nouns countable or uncountable? Write a "C" for countable ones and a "U" for uncountable ones.

1. water ____________
2. fruit ____________
3. coconut ____________
4. bread ____________
5. DVD ____________
6. meat ____________
7. ball ____________
8. snack____________
9. glasses____________
10. pen ____________
11. milk____________
12. chair____________
13. gasoline____________
14. table____________
15. cream____________
16. money____________
17. oil ____________
18. insect____________
19. sofa____________
20. yogurt____________
21. school____________
22. bus ____________
23. food ____________
24. chocolate ____________
25. ship ____________

Weekend game

Test your knowledge of the world. This fun game isn't easy but it will get you and your parents playing, competing and learning about different areas of the world. Who has a higher Traveler IQ?
Click HERE: Traveler IQ challenge

Grammar HW due 24/01/2013

1.This recipe sounds easy __________ . I'll make it for lunch.
2.He's __________ young to vote, but old enough to go to war.
3.I don't feel very well. I've eaten __________ much.
4.This town isn't big __________ for the two of us.
5.Everyone got great marks in the exam. It wasn't difficult ______.
6.That's it. I've had __________. Leave the class immediately!
7.The disco is __________ far to walk.
8.This chicken's __________ small for five.
9.She's __________ young to go to discos.
10.The boy cannot lift the box. The boy is………………….. small.
11.Ms. Randall cannot lift the box. It is _______ heavy.
12.Harold didn't finish writing the lesson. He was __________ tired.
13.The student could not buy books. They weren't cheap _________.
14.Rosa didn't come to work today. She is _______ sick to work.
15.Thai got sick after eating the apples. They were ______ green.
16.Bob missed the bus. He left his house ____________ late.
17.The little boy can't reach the shelf. He isn't tall ___________.
18.The woman can't read the book. It isn't light __________.
19.The woman can't read the book. It is _________ dark.
20.This dress is ……………. modern for grandma!

HW Too and Enough 15/01/2013

Click on the following link and solve the exercises then click on the "Done" button to check your answers:

Too and Enough practice page

Afterwards, on a a separate piece of paper write five sentences using "too" and five using "enough".
Make sure you write complete headings on it!

HW Comparatives and Superlatives 14/01/2013

Write the correct form of the adjective for each sentence.

Name:_____________ Date:_________________

This lemonade is ___________ (tasty) than any soda pop.
The___________(good)view of the city is from the top of that mountain.
My house is____________(old) than any other on my street.
Connor is a____________(helpful)salesperson than the others in this store.
This restaurant has the_____________(good) guacamole!
When I was a kid I was a_____________(good)swimmer than anyone else in my school.
You can get a______________(good) deal if you buy your new television online.
The Smiths’ holiday light display was______________ (elaborate) than anyone else’s on the block.
This factory made______________ (few) mistakes this year than last.
The advanced course covers______________ (complex) programming than the introductory computer class.
That dishwasher salesman was______________ (persistent) than I had expected.

How we organize ourselves

Dear parents,
This January we begin work on our "How we organize ourselves" unit of inquiry which involves inquiring about rights of those who live with a disability. As an initial activity we've devised an experiment in which the students will spend one recess, half an hour, with one of their limbs tied to their bodies; this in order to try to allow them to experience a glimpse of life from the point of view of a person with special needs.
If you agree to let your child participate in this activity please copy, paste, print and sign this text and send it in on Friday, January 11th, 2013 along with a long bandage to use in the experiment. If you wish, you may also send crutches, a wheel chair, cane or any other mobility aid you might already have at home.

Thank you.
Prof. Hector Tovar

Queridos papas,
En enero comenzamos a trabajar en nuestra unidad de indagación "Como nos organizamos" en la cual indagaremos sobre los derechos de personas quienes viven con alguna discapacidad. Como actividad inicial hemos diseñado un experimento donde los alumnos vivirán un recreo, media hora, con alguna de sus extremidades atada a su cuerpo con la intención de que tengan un vistazo de lo que es la vida con alguna necesidad especial.
Si están de acuerdo en permitir que su hij@ participe, favor de imprimir y firmar este texto y mandarlo, junto con una venda lo suficientemente larga para dar la vuelta al cuerpo, este viernes 11 de ENERO del 2013. También pueden mandar unas muletas, silla de ruedas, bastón o cualquier otra herramienta de ayuda que ya tuviesen en casa. 

Prof. Héctor Tovar