5th grade GRAMMAR exam review 2013

5th Grade Grammar 2nd bimester exam review 2013

Ex. I : For each of the following sentences tell me if it's in the Present Simple (PS), Present Continuous (PC) or neither (Not!). Copy these instructions into your notebook and simply write down the answer for each number.

He is working hard. (PC)
He works hard. (PS)
He was working hard. (Not!)

1.-The boys are playing football this afternoon.
2.-Why is that girl crying?
3.-Does the teacher know were you are?
4.-Do you like ice-cream?
5.-I was always fond of puppies.
6.-He's carrying a lot of books.
7.-We aren't happy with the amount of work the teacher sets!
8.-When is he going to finish?
9.-I've bought the new Beiber album!
10.-Do you like Justin Beaver?!?!
11.-No, I don't like Justin Beaver!
12.-Prof. Hector is writing "Beaver" instead of Beiber.
13.-He's using English poorly!
14.-He wasn't in the classroom.
15.-Why are we talking about this?
16.-The class starts when he counts to three.
17.-When did it start?
18.-How do we know this is true?
19.-We're listening for a clue.
20.-We're practicing and learning.

Ex. II  Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Use the simple present or the present continuous tense.

1 My brother __________________________ (like) this CD very much.
2 He __________________________ (travel) in China this summer.
3 We __________________________ (go) to lunch now. Would you like to join us?
4 We always __________________________ (visit) Grandma on Sundays.
5 In this photo, we __________________________ (play) volleyball on the beach.
6 I __________________________ (play) tennis every day.
7 My father can’t come to the phone now. He __________________________ (take) a shower.
8 My father __________________________ (work) as an accountant in a big company.
9 I think this pen __________________________ (cost) HK$8.
10 I can’t play online games now. My brother __________________________ (use) the computer
to do his homework.
11 A: ______________ you ___________________ (do) your homework now?
B: Yes, I __________________________.
12 This photo was taken when I was three. My father __________________________ (carry) me
on his shoulders.
13 People ______________ always ___________________ (buy) new mobile phones.
14 Can you see Anna? She __________________________ (stand) at the bus stop.
15 ______________ you still ___________________ (watch) TV?
16 A: ______________ they _________________ (go) to Ocean Park on Sunday?
B: No, they __________________________.
17 She often __________________________ (miss) class because of illness.
18 A: ______________ you _________________ (like) Kelly Chan’s songs?
B: Yes, I ______________, but my brother _________________.

Ex. III   Decide which of the choices below would best complete the article if inserted in the blanks. Circle the appropriate letters.
Too Much Fast Food?
According to a recent survey, Hong Kong consumers are (1) more money on convenience foods since the economic downturn. Because companies are trying to make do with fewer staff, employees are (2) harder than ever before. More women (3) joining the workforce as well.They (4) less time to prepare nutritious home-cooked meals for their families. Instead,families (5) out or (6) convenience foods, such as frozen pizzas and instant noodles. These foods (7) more fat, salt and sugar than home-cooked meals. Experts say that eating too much of them (8) the risk of serious health problems, including diabetes and heart disease. However, the trend towards convenience foods (9) benefitting some business sectors.
Supermarkets are (10) to the higher demand for quick, easy-to-serve meals by increasing their selection of convenience and pre-packaged foods. These products often (11) for higher prices than fresh food. Restaurants also (12) from the trend: most Hong Kong people now (13) out at least once a day.
Is convenience food just a fad or is home-cooked food (14) a thing of the past?
How (15) this trend affecting our health?

A spending
B spends
C spent
A work
B works
C working
A is
B are
C be
A has
B have
C had

A eating
B eats
C eat
A bought
B buys
C buy
A containing
B contains
C contain
A increase
B increasing
C increases

A is
B are
C be
A respond
B responded
C responding
A sells
B sell
C selling
A profit
B profiting
C profits
13 A eat
B ate
C were eating
14 A become
B became
C becoming
A does
B is
C have

Ex. IV Please complete the verb table.

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