2nd Bimester LISTENING exam review

Instructions: get a piece of paper and a pencil. Write complete headings and follow the instructions in the video. Don't go to the web site mentioned, we will check the answers in class tomorrow.

2nd bimester VOCABULARY exam review

Story Town Vocabulary: Answer the following questions.

2nd bimester WRITING exam review

Instructions: Write an e-mail to a friend describing the location of your latest international voyage! Make sure to include information on the climate, flora and fauna.  (90 to 110 words)

Be careful with your punctuation, spelling, grammar etc, etc, etc

See you tomorrow!

5th grade GRAMMAR exam review 2013

5th Grade Grammar 2nd bimester exam review 2013

Ex. I : For each of the following sentences tell me if it's in the Present Simple (PS), Present Continuous (PC) or neither (Not!). Copy these instructions into your notebook and simply write down the answer for each number.

He is working hard. (PC)
He works hard. (PS)
He was working hard. (Not!)

1.-The boys are playing football this afternoon.
2.-Why is that girl crying?
3.-Does the teacher know were you are?
4.-Do you like ice-cream?
5.-I was always fond of puppies.
6.-He's carrying a lot of books.
7.-We aren't happy with the amount of work the teacher sets!
8.-When is he going to finish?
9.-I've bought the new Beiber album!
10.-Do you like Justin Beaver?!?!
11.-No, I don't like Justin Beaver!
12.-Prof. Hector is writing "Beaver" instead of Beiber.
13.-He's using English poorly!
14.-He wasn't in the classroom.
15.-Why are we talking about this?
16.-The class starts when he counts to three.
17.-When did it start?
18.-How do we know this is true?
19.-We're listening for a clue.
20.-We're practicing and learning.

Ex. II  Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Use the simple present or the present continuous tense.

1 My brother __________________________ (like) this CD very much.
2 He __________________________ (travel) in China this summer.
3 We __________________________ (go) to lunch now. Would you like to join us?
4 We always __________________________ (visit) Grandma on Sundays.
5 In this photo, we __________________________ (play) volleyball on the beach.
6 I __________________________ (play) tennis every day.
7 My father can’t come to the phone now. He __________________________ (take) a shower.
8 My father __________________________ (work) as an accountant in a big company.
9 I think this pen __________________________ (cost) HK$8.
10 I can’t play online games now. My brother __________________________ (use) the computer
to do his homework.
11 A: ______________ you ___________________ (do) your homework now?
B: Yes, I __________________________.
12 This photo was taken when I was three. My father __________________________ (carry) me
on his shoulders.
13 People ______________ always ___________________ (buy) new mobile phones.
14 Can you see Anna? She __________________________ (stand) at the bus stop.
15 ______________ you still ___________________ (watch) TV?
16 A: ______________ they _________________ (go) to Ocean Park on Sunday?
B: No, they __________________________.
17 She often __________________________ (miss) class because of illness.
18 A: ______________ you _________________ (like) Kelly Chan’s songs?
B: Yes, I ______________, but my brother _________________.

Ex. III   Decide which of the choices below would best complete the article if inserted in the blanks. Circle the appropriate letters.
Too Much Fast Food?
According to a recent survey, Hong Kong consumers are (1) more money on convenience foods since the economic downturn. Because companies are trying to make do with fewer staff, employees are (2) harder than ever before. More women (3) joining the workforce as well.They (4) less time to prepare nutritious home-cooked meals for their families. Instead,families (5) out or (6) convenience foods, such as frozen pizzas and instant noodles. These foods (7) more fat, salt and sugar than home-cooked meals. Experts say that eating too much of them (8) the risk of serious health problems, including diabetes and heart disease. However, the trend towards convenience foods (9) benefitting some business sectors.
Supermarkets are (10) to the higher demand for quick, easy-to-serve meals by increasing their selection of convenience and pre-packaged foods. These products often (11) for higher prices than fresh food. Restaurants also (12) from the trend: most Hong Kong people now (13) out at least once a day.
Is convenience food just a fad or is home-cooked food (14) a thing of the past?
How (15) this trend affecting our health?

A spending
B spends
C spent
A work
B works
C working
A is
B are
C be
A has
B have
C had

A eating
B eats
C eat
A bought
B buys
C buy
A containing
B contains
C contain
A increase
B increasing
C increases

A is
B are
C be
A respond
B responded
C responding
A sells
B sell
C selling
A profit
B profiting
C profits
13 A eat
B ate
C were eating
14 A become
B became
C becoming
A does
B is
C have

Ex. IV Please complete the verb table.

2nd bimester SPELLING exam review 2013

I.- For each of the following spelling words write a sentence which describes its meaning using your own words.
drizzle suppose entire congress
gobble hurricane hospital English
meddle ballad public fortress
shuffle bellow combine expression
bundle success golden conclude
pickle appeal chimney complain
hobble announcer pretzel complex

II.- For each of the following spelling words write a single word which describes its meaning.
topple tissue survive distrust
hurtle excellent absorb contribute
vehicle terrific turmoil explode
struggle collect wisdom umbrella
wiggle slippery journey merchandise
spindle common condition remembrance
speckle arrange whisper concrete

III.- For each of the following spelling words make a drawing of how you would act out its meaning in  a game of charades.
griddle suffer identify goggles
ripple follow establish portray
article kennel furnace technique
triple squirrel capture accomplish
jingle message marvelous function
bugle summary nursery membrane

2nd bimester READING exam review 2013

I.- Text sequence: write the following text boxes in order to create a short story.

I.- Text sequence: write the following text boxes in order to create a short story.

II.- Wh- question words: read the following creation story and answer the questions.

Raven and the First People

Raven was bored. He was walking along the beach in Haida Gwai, looking for some new way to amuse himself. As he walked along the beach, the blue ocean in front of him and the green forest behind him didn’t seem interesting. Raven wanted to play, but there was no one to play with.

Then he heard a strange sound, unlike any sound he knew. He looked up and down the beach. Where was it coming from? As he walked he noticed a large white clamshell lying in the sand. Inside the clamshell were tiny creatures, unlike any he had seen before.

Raven bent down to get a closer look. The creatures seemed afraid of him, so he began to coax them in a gentle voice, “Come out. Come out. Don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you.”

A few of the creatures came out of the clamshell. They were very different from Raven. They had no feathers, no wings, and no beaks. Like him, they walked on two legs, but they had arms, faces with mouths, and black hair. They spoke to each other in a language that Raven didn’t understand. These tiny creatures were the first humans.

Raven enjoyed watching these humans play and explore the world. After a while, when he was beginning to feel bored again, he noticed that these humans were only men. There were no women. Raven had an idea. He wondered if he could find some women. He searched for a long time. Then he saw some *chitons. He opened one of the chitons and found some lovely, tiny women. He brought the women to the men.

Raven enjoyed watching the behaviour of the men and women. He saw them begin to pair off and have children. The human families moved to other parts of the island. Since that day, many generations of humans have grown and flourished, and Raven has never been bored.

* Chiton: a large sea shell

Story retold by Mary Mahoney

1.            Where was Raven walking?

A.                    through the forest
B.                     along the beach
C.                    in the water
2.            Why did Raven want to play?

A.                    He was bored.
B.                     He was excited.
C.                    He was hungry.
3.            What was Raven's problem?

A.                  His frends were all working.
B.                  Raven had nothing to play with.
C.                 His friends were too busy to play.
4.            What did Raven hear?

A.                 A baby crying.
B.                  A bird singing.
C.                 A strange sound.
5.            Where was the sound coming from?

A.                 The birds.
B.                  The sea.
C.                 A clamshell.
6.            What did Raven see in the clamshell?

A.                 baby clams.
B.                  tiny creatures.
C.                 sand
7.            How did Raven get the creatures to come out of the clamshell?

A.                 He coaxed them in a gentle voice.
B.                  He sang to them.
C.                 He grabbed them amd pulled them out.
8.            What idea did Raven have?

A.                 He wanted to find some women for the male creatures.
B.                  He wanted the men and women to get married.
C.                 He wanted to get married.
9.            Where did Raven find the female creatures?

A.                 in the sand.
B.                  in the seaweed.
C.                 in a chiton.
10.       Why isn't Raven bored now?

A.                 He has children of his own.
B.                  He can amuse himself by watching the behaviour of men and women.
C.                 He can create humans.

Story retold by Mary Mahoney

We need a little Christmas

We Need a Little Christmas
Haul out the holly

Put up the tree before my spirit falls again

Fill up the stocking 

I may be rushing things, but deck the halls again now
For we need a little Christmas

Right this very minute

Candles in the window

Carols at the spinet
Yes, we need a little Christmas

Right this very minute

It hasn't snowed a single flurry

But Santa, dear, we're in a hurry
So climb down the chimney

Put up the brightest string of light I've ever seen

Slice up the fruitcake
It's time we hung some tinsel on that evergreen bough
For I've grown a little leaner, grown a little colder

Grown a little sadder, grown a little older

And I need a little angel sitting on my shoulder

I need a little Christmas now
Haul out the holly
Well, once I taught you all to live each living day

Fill up the stocking

But Auntie Mame, it's one week past Thanksgiving Day now
But we need a little Christmas

Right this very minute

Candles in the window

Carols at the spinet
And we need a little Christmas

Right this very minute
It hasn't snowed a single flurry

But Santa, dear, we're in a hurry
So climb down the chimney

It's been a long time since I felt good, neighbourly

Slice up the fruitcake

It's time we hung some tinsel on that evergreen bough
For we need a little Christmas

Right this very minute

Candles in the window

Carols at the spinet
And we need a little Christmas

Right this very minute

We need a little Christmas now
We need a little Christmas now

We need a little Christmas now