1st Bimester SPELLING exam review 2013

5th grade - 1st Bimester – 2013
Spelling exam guide 


CHALLENGE WORD____________________________5th GRADE____L.N.____
Ex. I: Word meanings
Instructions: Match each spelling word with its clue. There is one extra word, after finding it write a clue for it.
a.- chest               b.- fond                                c.- thief                                d.-  bandage       e.- threat                             f.-flock                  g.- smash             h.-oyster             i.- cashew                                            j.- feud                 k.- measure        l.- obtain                m.- speech                                         n.- reason           o.- human           p.- crease            q.- royalty                                           r.- rescue             s.- annoying       t.- niece               u.- jewel
1.- A fold or line on clothing or a piece of paper                                  _________________
2.- A box to keep your treasure in                                                            _________________
3.- Some words to say in front of an audience                                    _________________
4.- A precious stone                                                                                        _________________
5.- Slightly bothersome                                                                                 _________________
6.- A person, you, me.                                                                                   _________________
7.- HELP!                                                                                                              _________________
8.- A long fight                                                                                                   _________________
9.- The doctor put this round my arm after I broke it                        _________________
10.- Motives.   Why?                                                                                       _________________
11.- Less than love but to like a lot                                                            _________________
12.- A group of animals                                                                                  _________________
13.- The family of the king or queen                                                        _________________
14.- A centimetre, metre, kilogram, etc.                                                                _________________
15.- A person who steals things                                                                 _________________
16.- Violently break into lots of little pieces                                          _________________
17.- Danger! Danger! Will Robinson!                                                        _________________
18.- Sometimes you feel like a nut!                                                         _________________
19.- My brother’s daughter is my...                                                          _________________
20.- A marine animal, sometimes contains a pearl                             _________________
21.-  _____________________________________                    _________________

Ex. II Proofreading a paragraph:
Instructions: Read the paragraph and circle misspelt words. Then write the correct spelling for each word in the blank spaces beneath. There are 15 misspelt words in total but you might find more... I AM human!
I’m quite fond of teaching. Everyday feels less like working and more like playng. I love seeing my smiling kids in the morning, even if I have to get up at daun and go to bed at dusk because the day starts so early! After hurying to school I go up and brows my daily planner to see what the day’s activities will be. Sometimes I have to give a spich about people not handing in their homework, something which I find quite anoying. I much prefer to teach by offering prizes like “free time” rather than with threts or by tuisting arms. There is nothing better than seeing a timyd student be brave, like the one who was eeger to present her research and steped in front of the class, a bit worried and feeling like she needed to be rescwed, about to feint; little by little she felt her fear fade away, she was no longer scered, and she shone like a jeuel!

_________________                   _________________                   _________________  
_________________                   _________________                   _________________
_________________                   _________________                   _________________  
_________________                   _________________                   _________________
_________________                   _________________                   _________________  

Ex.- III Write a sentence with the following spelling words. Try to make it as funny as possible!
Switch: ______________________________________________________________________
Teenage: _____________________________________________________________________
Smoke: ______________________________________________________________________
Twice: ______________________________________________________________________
Ointment: ____________________________________________________________________
Fraud: ______________________________________________________________________
Rooster: ______________________________________________________________________
Obeyed: ______________________________________________________________________

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