1st bimester GRAMMAR exam review 2013

5th grade - 1st bimester GRAMMAR exam guide 2013


CHALLENGE WORD____________________5th GRADE____L.N.____

Present Simple / Adverbs of frequency
Answer the questions using the words in brackets.
1    How often do you go swimming?                          (never)
2    How often does your father cook?                (sometimes)
3    How often does your brother go dancing?             (often)
4    How often does your mother go shopping? (once a week)
5    How often do your friends have parties?      (hardly ever)
6    How often are you late for school?                        (never)
7    How often does your teacher shout at you? (hardly ever)
8    How often do you have exams?                             (often)
Present Simple
 Put the verbs into the correct form of the Present Simple.
1          He (like) swimming.
2          She (not/do) her homework
3          My father (work) in an office.
4          My sister (go) dancing every week.
Make these sentences negative.
5          I play football with my friends.
6          She lives in a big house.
7          They work in our school.
8          He often goes to work by bus.

Write the questions for these answers

9          How ______________________________________________?
            He goes to the cinema every day.
10        __________________________________________________?
            No, I never drink coffee.
11        ____________________________________________ English?
            Yes, I love it!
12        __________________________________________________?
            I live in Torun, in Poland.

 Complete the dialogue with aanthe or nothing (-).
Wow. This is1________________  nice house.
Yes. Do you want to see________________  kitchen?
Not now. It’s sunny. Can we sit in________________  garden ?
Wait a minute. So me one’s knocking on________________  front door.
It’s my sister .She’s________________  student.
Where’s your father? Is he still in________________  hospital?
No. He’s OK now. He’s in________________ bed.
Is there________________ bus stop hear here? I ’m going home by bus today.

Use the words in brackets to rewrite the sentences with the same meaning.
1    Computer games are great                              (love/play)
2    I’m really into rock music                                 (like/listen)
3    Football is OK                                                  (mind/play)
4    Mm, Italian food is really nice                             (love/eat)
5    Reality TV shows are terrible                        (hate/watch)
6    I don’t want to write. It’s boring                          (like/write)
7    Oh no! Maths homework!                                  (stand/do)

At a café
 Read the dialogue. Eight of the words are incorrect. Replace them with the words in the box.
here / that / same / like / eat / menu / small / would
Hello, can I help you?
Yes. Can we have a card, please?
Yes, of course. There you are. What do you like to food?
Can I have pizza, please. And I’d like burger and chips.
Large or cold chips?
Large, please.
What would you want to drink?
Orange juice, please. And the please for me so.
Is them all?
Yes, thanks.

Word Builder
Multi-part verbs
Choose the correct preposition in each sentence.
1    I’m interested in/of music.
2    Are you good in/at maths?
3    Do you look after/of your brother?
4    What time do you get up/on in the morning?
5    I don’t get up to/on with my sister.
6    Who is she going up with/out with?
7    I’m waiting for/of my friend.
8    He’s really bad in/at singing.

because and so
 Choose the correct word in each sentence.
1 I don’t play sport because/so I don’t like it.
2 I’ve got an exam tomorrow because/so I’m studying.
3 Our car doesn’t work because/so we are going to school by bus.
4 like my city because/so I want to live here when I finish school.
5 I haven’t got a computer because/so I haven’t got any money!
6 I don’t eat meat because/so I don’t go to burger bars.

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