5th Bimester Reading review, Exam date: 2013-06-19

Paraphrase- a restatement of a text or work giving the meaning in

another form or, paraphrasing myself: restating something in your own words.

i.e. "Eating sugary drinks and a lot of sweet bread is a sure fire way to become obese in today's fast food culture."   can be paraphrased as : " If you eat too much sugar and bread you'll become obese"

Instructions: Choose the option which best paraphrases the given sentence:

1.- The children of 5th grade thought it was cruel and unusual for their English teacher to assign so much homework, specially since it was a Friday!

a.- The English teacher was happy and laughed a lot when he gave sooooo much homework to the kids!
b.- The kids didn´t think it was fair that, being a Friday, the teacher had left them so much work.
c.- The kids thought that they'd finish quickly all the work they had assigned for the weekend.

2.- One should always avoid eating naturally frozen water which has a yellowish colour added, probably by some animal or human.

a.- Never eat yellow snow.
b.- Vanilla ice cream is to be avoided.
c.- The sun shines on the snow and it looks yellow.

Write a summary of the following paragraph:

tA Tornado is a powerful, twisting windstorm.  It begins high in the air, among the winds of a giant storm cloud.  People who have watched a tornado’s howling winds reach down from the sky have said it’s the most frightening thing they have ever seen.  In some parts of the United States, these windstorms are called twisters or cyclones.

Now summarize it into one sentence.

Author's  perspective:

Instructions: read the following passage and answer the question.

 The average school day for kindergarteners is getting longer, and it's paying off in improved reading skills.  Public schoolchildren who attended kindergarten for a full day showed more improvement than those enrolled in half-day programs.  This improvement will be carried on in elementary school and even high school.  These children will be able to get better jobs when they are adults.

What is the author's perspective on full day kindergarten?

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