5th Bimester writing review. Exam date: 21-06-2013

I.- Write 80 to 110 words about the following:

Your friend is planning a trip around the world but isn't quite sure which countries or cities to visit. Write them a letter giving advice on which places they should or shouldn't  go to. Explain why in each case. Recommend at least three different places.

Good luck!

5th Bimester Grammar review. Exam date: 21-06-2013

Grammar 5th bimester review

I. Objective: Show understanding of Arrangements and intentions.
Instructions: Complete each sentence with either “going to” or the present continuous using the verb in parenthesis.                       (10 points)

1.- I_________________ (sudy) a lot for my grammar exam.

2.- He _________________ (sit) the exam next Tuesday.

3.- Tomorrow at noon, I______________(get) my new Palystation 4.

4.- 5th grade is ____________(win) the tournament!

5.- Tonight, I______________(buy) a new movie.

II. Objective: Show proper understanding of the Present Perfect.    (10 points)
Write a sentence using the Present Perfect and the verb in parenthesis.

e.g.: (draw)__I have drawn a picture for art class____

1.- (kiss)________________________________________

2.-(eat) ________________________________________

3.-(write) ________________________________________

5.-(jump) ________________________________________

6.-(clean) ________________________________________

7.-(brush) ________________________________________

8.-(go) ________________________________________

9.-(meet) ________________________________________

10.-(finish) ________________________________________

III. Objective: Show understanding and correct use of the different tenses we’ve studied this year.                                                       (15 points)
Instructions: Complete the following text. Use the verbs in parenthesis.

Everything (1) __________________ (happen) so fast as if it was all a dream.
Suddenly, the bridge (2) __________________ (collapse) and all the cars
(3) __________________ (plunge) into the ocean.
A survivor (4) __________________ (believe) he (5) __________________ (feel) something strange in the air just before the bridge (6) __________________ (break) into chunks.
Another survivor (7) __________________ (see) a strange object in the sky pointing a beam of light at the bridge which probably then (8) __________________ (cause) the tragedy.
 I myself find this very strange, but it is a fact that no one (9) __________________ (know) if this “accident” (10) __________________ (has) anything to do with ETs and UFOs. Experts of the paranormal field (11) __________________ (be) quick to point to the “eye-witnessed” accounts of the survivors to support their conclusion that this incidence was really related to ETs.
Within a day after the accident (12) __________________ (occur), the experts               (13) __________________ (manage) to call a conference about their conclusion. Personally, I’m doubtful about this. I think another conclusion (13) __________________ (appear) after a proper investigation has been carried out. The police and the scientists (14) __________________ (still / search) for evidence to take back to the lab.
Anyway, just in case (15)_____________ (not/cross) any bridges in the near future.

IV. Objective:  Past and Past Participle forms of Irregular Verbs                                    Instructions:  Fill in the chart with the correct past and past participle form. Careful: both need to be correct in order to get the point.
P A S T   P A R T I C I P L E
to be

to begin

to become

to break

to give

to catch

to do

to drink

to go

5th Bimester Vocabulary review: Exam date: 20-06-2013

 Vocabulary review 2013

INSTRUCTIONS:  Complete the sentences using the words from the box.

Vital       damage         monopolize        bland     panic     cushions              rug         government

1.- The twister left a lot of _______________ in the town.
2.- My big sister likes to_______________ the bathroom every morning.
3.- The Mayan prophecy will cause ____________ around the world.
4.- My breakfast was _____________ , I forgot to add sugar to my cereal.
5.- The ________________ must protect its citizens, that is its first duty.
6.- Girls like to have a lot of ________________ on their bed.
7.- Water is _______________ for life to exist on Earth.
8.- My dog sleeps on a _____________ in my room.
INSTRUCTIONS:  Give a short description of each sport.

1.- football:    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2.- rugby:    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3.- skiing:    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4.- motor racing:    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5.- rock climbing:    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6.- cards:    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7.- chess:    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8.- pool:    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
INSTRUCTIONS:  Write three related words for each of the following Vocabulary words:

1. - vital    ____________ , _______________ , ________________          

2. - damage ____________ , _______________ , ________________

3. - somberly ____________ , _______________ , ________________

4. -monopolize ____________ , _______________ , ________________

5. - desolate ____________ , _______________ , ________________

6. - fervor ____________ , _______________ , ________________

7. - bland  ____________ , _______________ , ________________

8. - loathe      ____________ , _______________ , ________________

9. - altruism  ____________ , _______________ , ________________

10. - mistreated  ____________ , _______________ , ________________

11. - mentor   ____________ , _______________ , ________________

12. - gleeful   ____________ , _______________ , ________________!

13. -immaculate____________ , _______________ , ________________

14. - panic____________ , _______________ , ________________

15. - precious____________ , _______________ , ________________

16.- wardrobe____________ , _______________ , ________________

17.- bedspread____________ , _______________ , ________________

18.- lampshade____________ , _______________ , ________________

19.- curtain____________ , _______________ , ________________

20.- discovery____________ , _______________ , ________________

5th Bimester SPELLING review, Exam date 2013-06-19

5th Bimester Spelling review, Exam date: 2013-06-19

Study words from lesson 21 through lesson 26.

Visit "Spelling city" and test yourself on the  S-test section.

Print or e-mail your results and bring them in tomorrow.

I.- Instructions: write the plural of the following words, be careful to spell them correctly.
1.- address                                          11.-radio
2.- army                                               12.- half
3.- calf                                                  13.- hoof
4.- country                                            14.- knife
5.- leaf                                                  15.- tax
6.- bus                                                  16.- tomato
7.- video                                              17.- opportunity
8.- echo                                               18.-volcano
9.- shelf                                               19.- stitch
10.- studio                                           20.- wolf
II.- Instructions: circle with red the silent letters in the following words.


Good luck.

5th Bimester Reading review, Exam date: 2013-06-19

Paraphrase- a restatement of a text or work giving the meaning in

another form or, paraphrasing myself: restating something in your own words.

i.e. "Eating sugary drinks and a lot of sweet bread is a sure fire way to become obese in today's fast food culture."   can be paraphrased as : " If you eat too much sugar and bread you'll become obese"

Instructions: Choose the option which best paraphrases the given sentence:

1.- The children of 5th grade thought it was cruel and unusual for their English teacher to assign so much homework, specially since it was a Friday!

a.- The English teacher was happy and laughed a lot when he gave sooooo much homework to the kids!
b.- The kids didn´t think it was fair that, being a Friday, the teacher had left them so much work.
c.- The kids thought that they'd finish quickly all the work they had assigned for the weekend.

2.- One should always avoid eating naturally frozen water which has a yellowish colour added, probably by some animal or human.

a.- Never eat yellow snow.
b.- Vanilla ice cream is to be avoided.
c.- The sun shines on the snow and it looks yellow.

Write a summary of the following paragraph:

tA Tornado is a powerful, twisting windstorm.  It begins high in the air, among the winds of a giant storm cloud.  People who have watched a tornado’s howling winds reach down from the sky have said it’s the most frightening thing they have ever seen.  In some parts of the United States, these windstorms are called twisters or cyclones.

Now summarize it into one sentence.

Author's  perspective:

Instructions: read the following passage and answer the question.

 The average school day for kindergarteners is getting longer, and it's paying off in improved reading skills.  Public schoolchildren who attended kindergarten for a full day showed more improvement than those enrolled in half-day programs.  This improvement will be carried on in elementary school and even high school.  These children will be able to get better jobs when they are adults.

What is the author's perspective on full day kindergarten?

Imagery: HW due 07/06/2013

Instructions: Write to which of the five senses each of the following sentences or paragraphs appeals to.
 •_______The shadows crisscrossed the rug while my cat stretched languidly in one of the patches of sun. 

•_______"....Which has its sounds, familiar, like the roar Of trees and crack of branches, common things, But nothing so like beating on a box" (From 'An Old Mans Winter Night' by Robert Frost)

 •_______"At the next table a woman stuck her nose in a novel; a college kid pecked at a laptop. Overlaying all this, a soundtrack: choo-k-choo-k-choo-k-choo-k-choo-k--the metronomic rhythm of an Amtrak train rolling down the line to California, a sound that called to mind an old camera reel moving frames of images along a linear track, telling a story." (excerpt from 'Riding the Rails')

 •_______The crimson liquid spilled from the neck of the white dove, staining and matting its pure, white feathers.

 •_______"I was awakened by the strong smell of a freshly brewed coffee."

 •_______"Tumbling through the ocean water after being overtaken by the monstrous wave, Mark unintentionally took a gulp of the briny, bitter mass, causing him to cough and gag."

 •_______'The bed linens might just as well be ice and the clothes snow.' From Robert Frost's "The Witch of Coos"

 •_______"When the others went swimming my son said he was going in, too. He pulled his dripping trunks from the line where they had hung all through the shower and wrung them out. Languidly, and with no thought of going in, I watched him, his hard little body, skinny and bare, saw him wince slightly as he pulled up around his vitals the small, soggy, icy garment. As he buckled the swollen belt, suddenly my groin felt the chill of death." From E.B.White's, 'One More To The Lake'

 •_______"Gerardo's socks, still soaked with sweat from Tuesday's P.E. class, filled the classroom with an aroma akin to that of salty, week-old, rotting fish"

 •_______"I have eaten the plums that were in the icebox and which you were probably saving for breakfast. Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold" (From the poem "This Is Just to Say" by William Carlos Williams)

 •_______"I lay still and took another minute to smell: I smelled the warm, sweet, all-pervasive smell of silage, as well as the sour dirty laundry spilling over the basket in the hall. I could pick out the acrid smell of Claire's drenched diaper, her sweaty feet, and her hair crusted with sand. The heat compounded the smells, doubled the fragrance."(excerpt from "A Map of the World", Random House)