Exam guide

5th grade 4th bimester exam syllabus:
-          Reading:
o   Storytown Theme 4 skill set:
§  Making inferences
§  Main idea and details
-          Listening:
o   Listening to numbers: ages, times and prices.
-          Spelling:
o   Words from lessons 16 through 20
-          Writing:
o   Writing a blog
-          Vocabulary:
o   Storytown: Theme 4 words.
o   Challenges: Modules 7 & 8
o   Unit of Inquiry: Per individual site
-          Grammar:
o   Previous
§  Irregular verbs
o   Module 7
§  Can/can’t , have to/ not have to
§  Prepositions: around, down, off, on, over, under, up
o   Module 8
§  Will for predictions: will & won’t

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