5th grade - 1st bimester READING COMP. exam guide


CHALLENGE WORD____________________________5th GRADE____L.N.____

OBJECTIVE: To identify the conflict, plot and solution in a story.
INSTRUCTIONS:  Read the story very carefully and answer the questions.
                              (10 points)       
How people got fire: the story of Prometheus
In the beginning of the world, the Titans lived on the earth. There were no people yet, just the Titans and the animals. Prometheus, one of the Titans, used to play with clay and one day he made a lot of little people out of clay. He showed them to Zeus who liked the little people so much he breathed life into them.
At first the people were very grateful to Zeus and they often gave him sacrifices. But then Prometheus, who loved jokes, told them how they could play a trick on Zeus. Prometheus said, "When you do a sacrifice, take the bones and guts, the parts you can't eat, and put them in a bag with a nice steak on the top. And in another bag, put all the rest of the steaks, with some bones and guts on top. And ask Zeus to choose which one he wants."
So the people did this, and Zeus chose the bag with the steak on top (The Greeks used this to explain why they ate the meat from animals they sacrificed to the gods). But when he found he had been tricked, he was very angry. To punish people, he took all the fire away from the earth. The people were very cold, and they could not cook their food. They complained to Prometheus that this was all his fault.
Prometheus felt sorry for the cold people. And he felt it was pretty much his fault for suggesting this trick. So he went up to the sky and he broke off a piece of the sun and he brought it back to earth for people, and that is how people got fire.

When Zeus found out what Prometheus had done, he got mad all over again and chained Prometheus to a big rock. Every day a big eagle would come and eat Prometheus' liver. But because he was immortal and could not die, every night his liver grew back again, and then the next day the bird ate it again.
Prometheus suffered this torture every day for years and years.

1.- Name the three main characters of the story:                       (3 points)


2.- What was the conflict in the story?                                         (1 point)

3.- Write three plot events from the story:                                    (3 points)

4.- Write the resolution from the story:                                         (1 point)

5.- Do you think the punishment Prometheus received was fair? Explain: (2 points)

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