5th grade - 1st Bimester VOCABULARY exam guide 2012

5th grade - 1st bimester VOCABULARY exam guide 2012


CHALLENGE WORD____________________5th GRADE____L.N.____

INSTRUCTIONS: Circle the best example.

Personality Adjectives
Order the letters to make personality adjectives. Then put the words into the correct column.
idfnyelr / yodom / unfyn / rahd-nogwirk / llefpuh / nyduti / intatpe / noseth / zyla / tuiogno

 Order the letters to make jobs.
1    sittend                     ____________________
2    tlenecccriia             ____________________
3    neihmacc               ____________________
4    mrpeubl                  ____________________
5    ctsayrree                ____________________
6    srrradheeis             ____________________
7    cifofe rrokwe         ___________________

5th grade - 1st Bimester - LISTENING exam guide 2012

Listening Comp. Exam guide 1st Bimester 2012

For this one, simply write the answers on a separate piece of paper and bring it in to class.QUESTIONS:

1. According to the black cat, how often does Bolt (the dog) leave the movie set?
  a.)Two times a week
  c.)Once a month

2. Are the cats really evil?
  a.)No, they're just pretending to be evil to have fun with Bolt
  c.)The skinny one is evil, but the fat one isn't

3. Who is the cats' boss?
  a.)The "green man"
  b.)The "green eyed man"

4. The black cat thinks that Bolt's message to the "green eyed man" _____________________.
  a.)is too long
  b.)is not very nice
  c.)is not necessary

5. What does the term "she's a goner" mean?
  a.)She is not around
  b.)She is not reliable
  c.)She's doomed

5th Grade - 1st Bimester WRITING Exam Guide - 2012

5th Grade - 1st Bimester Writing Exam Guide - 2012

You can change the way your English class is taught!


Resolved: "English class should be stricter, quieter and more controlled"

Each of you chose either the Affirmative (for the change) or the Negative(against the change):
Write an e-mail, 80 to 100 words, trying to convince a friend that your side is right.
Make sure you include:
1.-An e-mail address
2.- The subject
3.- Say hello
4.- State your side (Affirmative or Negative) and explain it.
5.- State at least 3 point in your favour
6.- Say goodbye.

5th grade - 1st bimester GRAMMAR exam guide 2012

5th grade - 1st bimester GRAMMAR exam guide 2012


CHALLENGE WORD____________________5th GRADE____L.N.____

Present Simple / Adverbs of frequency
Answer the questions using the words in brackets.
1    How often do you go swimming?                          (never)
2    How often does your father cook?                (sometimes)
3    How often does your brother go dancing?             (often)
4    How often does your mother go shopping? (once a week)
5    How often do your friends have parties?      (hardly ever)
6    How often are you late for school?                        (never)
7    How often does your teacher shout at you? (hardly ever)
8    How often do you have exams?                             (often)
Present Simple
 Put the verbs into the correct form of the Present Simple.
1          He (like) swimming.
2          She (not/do) her homework
3          My father (work) in an office.
4          My sister (go) dancing every week.
Make these sentences negative.
5          I play football with my friends.
6          She lives in a big house.
7          They work in our school.
8          He often goes to work by bus.

Write the questions for these answers

9          How ______________________________________________?
            He goes to the cinema every day.
10        __________________________________________________?
            No, I never drink coffee.
11        ____________________________________________ English?
            Yes, I love it!
12        __________________________________________________?
            I live in Torun, in Poland.

Present Simple / Present Continuous
 Choose the correct verb form in each sentence.
1          I usually go/am going to the cinema on Saturdays.
2          Look! That man shouts/is shouting at your teacher.
3          Do you like/Are you liking fish?
4          Ssh. He sleeps/is sleeping.
5          Where’s your father? He works/is working.
6          What do you listen/are you listening to? It’s my new CD.
7          She talks/is talking on her mobile phone every day.
8          Mm. What a lovely smell. Yes, dad cooks/is cooking curry.

 Complete the dialogue with a, an, the or nothing (-).
Wow. This is1________________  nice house.
Yes. Do you want to see2 ________________  kitchen?
Not now. It’s sunny. Can we sit in3 ________________  garden ?
Wait a minute. So me one’s knocking on4 ________________  front door.
It’s my sister .She’s5 ________________  student.
Where’s your father? Is he still in6 ________________  hospital?
No. He’s OK now. He’s in7 ________________ bed.
Is there8 ________________ bus stop hear here? I ’m going home by bus today.

Use the words in brackets to rewrite the sentences with the same meaning.
1    Computer games are great                              (love/play)
2    I’m really into rock music                                 (like/listen)
3    Football is OK                                                  (mind/play)
4    Mm, Italian food is really nice                             (love/eat)
5    Reality TV shows are terrible                        (hate/watch)
6    I don’t want to write. It’s boring                          (like/write)
7    Oh no! Maths homework!                                  (stand/do)

At a café
 Read the dialogue. Eight of the words are in correct. Replace them with the words in the box.
here / that / same / like / eat / menu / small / would
Hello, can I help you?
Yes. Can we have a card, please?
Yes, of course. There you are. What do you like to food?
Can I have pizza, please. And I’d like burger and chips.
Large or cold chips?
Large, please.
What would you want to drink?
Orange juice, please. And the please for me so.
Is them all?
Yes, thanks.

Word Builder
Multi-part verbs
Choose the correct preposition in each sentence.
1    I’m interested in/of music.
2    Are you good in/at maths?
3    Do you look after/of your brother?
4    What time do you get up/on in the morning?
5    I don’t get up to/on with my sister.
6    Who is she going up with/out with?
7    I’m waiting for/of my friend.
8    He’s really bad in/at singing.

because and so
 Choose the correct word in each sentence.
1 I don’t play sport because/so I don’t like it.
2 I’ve got an exam tomorrow because/so I’m studying.
3 Our car doesn’t work because/so we are going to school by bus.
4 like my city because/so I want to live here when I finish school.
5 I haven’t got a computer because/so I haven’t got any money!
6 I don’t eat meat because/so I don’t go to burger bars.



5th grade - 1st bimester READING COMP. exam guide


CHALLENGE WORD____________________________5th GRADE____L.N.____

OBJECTIVE: To identify the conflict, plot and solution in a story.
INSTRUCTIONS:  Read the story very carefully and answer the questions.
                              (10 points)       
How people got fire: the story of Prometheus
In the beginning of the world, the Titans lived on the earth. There were no people yet, just the Titans and the animals. Prometheus, one of the Titans, used to play with clay and one day he made a lot of little people out of clay. He showed them to Zeus who liked the little people so much he breathed life into them.
At first the people were very grateful to Zeus and they often gave him sacrifices. But then Prometheus, who loved jokes, told them how they could play a trick on Zeus. Prometheus said, "When you do a sacrifice, take the bones and guts, the parts you can't eat, and put them in a bag with a nice steak on the top. And in another bag, put all the rest of the steaks, with some bones and guts on top. And ask Zeus to choose which one he wants."
So the people did this, and Zeus chose the bag with the steak on top (The Greeks used this to explain why they ate the meat from animals they sacrificed to the gods). But when he found he had been tricked, he was very angry. To punish people, he took all the fire away from the earth. The people were very cold, and they could not cook their food. They complained to Prometheus that this was all his fault.
Prometheus felt sorry for the cold people. And he felt it was pretty much his fault for suggesting this trick. So he went up to the sky and he broke off a piece of the sun and he brought it back to earth for people, and that is how people got fire.

When Zeus found out what Prometheus had done, he got mad all over again and chained Prometheus to a big rock. Every day a big eagle would come and eat Prometheus' liver. But because he was immortal and could not die, every night his liver grew back again, and then the next day the bird ate it again.
Prometheus suffered this torture every day for years and years.

1.- Name the three main characters of the story:                       (3 points)


2.- What was the conflict in the story?                                         (1 point)

3.- Write three plot events from the story:                                    (3 points)

4.- Write the resolution from the story:                                         (1 point)

5.- Do you think the punishment Prometheus received was fair? Explain: (2 points)

5th grade -1st bimester SPELLING exam guide 2012

5th grade - 1st Bimester – 2012
Spelling exam guide


CHALLENGE WORD____________________________5th GRADE____L.N.____
Ex. I: Word meanings
Instructions: Match each spelling word with its clue. There is one extra word, after finding it write a clue for it.
a.- chest               b.- fond                                c.- thief                                d.-  bandage       e.- threat                             f.-flock                  g.- smash             h.-oyster             i.- cashew                                            j.- feud                 k.- measure        l.- obtain                m.- speech                                         n.- reason           o.- human           p.- crease            q.- royalty                                           r.- rescue             s.- annoying       t.- niece               u.- jewel
1.- A fold or line on clothing or a piece of paper                                  _________________
2.- A box to keep your treasure in                                                            _________________
3.- Some words to say in front of an audience                                    _________________
4.- A precious stone                                                                                        _________________
5.- Slightly bothersome                                                                                 _________________
6.- A person, you, me.                                                                                   _________________
7.- HELP!                                                                                                              _________________
8.- A long fight                                                                                                   _________________
9.- The doctor put this round my arm after I broke it                        _________________
10.- Motives.   Why?                                                                                       _________________
11.- Less than love but to like a lot                                                            _________________
12.- A group of animals                                                                                  _________________
13.- The family of the king or queen                                                        _________________
14.- A centimetre, metre, kilogram, etc.                                                                _________________
15.- A person who steals things                                                                 _________________
16.- Violently break into lots of little pieces                                          _________________
17.- Danger! Danger! Will Robinson!                                                        _________________
18.- Sometimes you feel like a nut!                                                         _________________
19.- My brother’s daughter is my...                                                          _________________
20.- A marine animal, sometimes contains a pearl                             _________________
21.-  _____________________________________                    _________________

Ex. II Proofreading a paragraph:
Instructions: Read the paragraph and circle misspelt words. Then write the correct spelling for each word in the blank spaces beneath. There are 15 misspelt words in total but you might find more... I AM human!
I’m quite fond of teaching. Everyday feels less like working and more like playng. I love seeing my smiling kids in the morning, even if I have to get up at daun and go to bed at dusk because the day starts so early! After hurying to school I go up and brows my daily planner to see what the day’s activities will be. Sometimes I have to give a spich about people not handing in their homework, something which I find quite anoying. I much prefer to teach by offering prizes like “free time” rather than with threts or by tuisting arms. There is nothing better than seeing a timyd student be brave, like the one who was eeger to present her research and steped in front of the class, a bit worried and feeling like she needed to be rescwed, about to feint; little by little she felt her fear fade away, she was no longer scered, and she shone like a jeuel!

­_________________                   _________________                   _________________  
_________________                   _________________                   _________________
_________________                   _________________                   _________________  
_________________                   _________________                   _________________
_________________                   _________________                   _________________  

Ex.- III Write a sentence with the following spelling words. Try to make it as funny as possible!
Switch: ______________________________________________________________________
Teenage: _____________________________________________________________________
Smoke: ______________________________________________________________________
Twice: ______________________________________________________________________
Ointment: ____________________________________________________________________
Fraud: ______________________________________________________________________
Rooster: ______________________________________________________________________
Obeyed: ______________________________________________________________________