5th grade: Vocabulary exam guide 2nd Bimester 2011

For this exam we need to study all words from the stories: 

Storytown: The night of San Juan, When the circus came to town, When Washington crossed the Delaware, Leonardo’s horse and The secret ingredient.
Here is a link to the online version of our book: Storytown, Ride the edge

Also study the words we researched in the Unit of inquiry “Sharing the planet”
Such as adaptation, green house gas, natural region, camouflage, tundra, dessert, jungle, longitude, latitude, equator, environment, endemic, pollution, flora, fauna, etc.

And finally the words from Challanges:

Alien, fairy, ghost, hobbit, mermaid, sea monster, vampire, witch, yeti and zombie. For these make an illustration of each and write which adjectives you’d use to describe each one.
Dangerous, dark, dirty, enormous, giant, hairy, horrible, huge, large, long, scary and tall.

In the Papillon story we used words such as: crime, arrest, criminal, murder, escape, guilty, prison, rob and thief.

And don’t forget the senses: hear, see, smell, taste and touch.

5th grade: Spelling exam guide 2nd Bimester 2011

For this exam we need to study all words from lessons 6 through 9.

Simply go over the related words and the drawings then choose the 20 you find most difficult or confusing and write the definitions and related words on a separate piece of paper.

5th grade Writing exam guide 2nd Bimester 2011

For this guide write a summary, in your own words, of what you've learnt during the "Sharing the planet" unit of inquiry.

Make sure you include some of the info gathered in:
-The "Water" movie
-Explain what is a "greenhouse gas" and the "green house effect"
-What you remember from your SEP book.
-Anything else you wish to include.

Write between 100 and 200 words.

5th grade Grammar exam guide 2nd Bimester 2011

Try solving this on line exercise, no need to print it.
On line exercise

Simple Past

Instructions: Complete each sentence using the verb in parenthesis in the Simple Past :

When Abby (be) __________(1) seven years old, she (do, not, like) _______ _______ _______(2) piano lessons. She (do, not, like) _______ _______ ________(3) to practise, and sometimes she even (cry) _______(4) when it (be) _______(5) time to practise. Finally, she (stop) _______(6) taking lessons.
Some of Abby's friends (do, not, quit) _______ _______ _______(7) their lessons. They (continue) _______(8) to play. After much practise, they (learn) _______(9) to play very well.
About ten years (pass) _______(10) before Abby (become) _______(11) interested in music or the piano again. After she (graduate) _______ (12) from high school, Abby (decide) _______(13) that she (want) _______(14) to study music in college. She (call) _______(15) the lady who (teach) _______(16) her when she (be) _______(17) a little girl. The lady (say) _______(18) she would teach Abby again.
The lady (need) _______(19) someone to help her daughter with homework. Abby (say) _______(20) she would help with homework in exchange for lessons. Because of this, the piano lessons (cost) _______(21) her nothing!
She (work) _______(22) very hard to catch up. Now she is making good progress. Soon she will go to college, majoring in music.

Past Continuous

Instructions: Complete each sentence using the verb in parenthesis in the Past Continuous:

Tim is a firefighter. One Sunday, he (spend) _______ _______ (1) some time at home with his family. He (play) _______ _______ (2) a game with two of his daughters.
Tim noticed that his cell phone (ring) _______ _______ (3), and that the fire alarm downtown (blare) ______ ______(4), too. He (not, feel) ______ _______ ______ (5) anxious to go put out a fire, but he went anyway.
While Tim (race) _______ _______ (6) to the fire in his red pick-up truck, he heard
on his police radio that a trailer (burn) _______ _______(7), and that a small boy (sleep) _______ _______ (8) in one of its bedrooms. His mother could not get him out.
At the scene, policemen and firefighters (run) ______ _______ (9) and yelling.
Most of the trailer (already, burn) _______ _______ _______ (10) by that time. Tim said he would go in through a bedroom window to get the boy. He (not, think) _______ _______ _______ (11) about his own safety at all. He wore a mask to
protect against the smoke.
When Tim reached the boy, it appeared that the boy (still, breathe) _______
_______ _______ (12). Tim put his own mask on the boy and handed him out the window to the other firefighters. By the time Tim got out of the window, he (not, breathe) _______ _______ _______ (13) well on his own, and had to go to the hospital.
Tim got an award for bravery from the City Council at its next meeting. The members knew he (put) _______ _______ (14) his life at risk when he went into that

Past Simple vs. Past Continuous

Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in parentheses in simple past tense or past continuous tense.
e.g.: The teenagers (joke) were joking (past progressive tense) around in the hallway when the principle (tell) told (simple past tense) them to go to class.
e.g.: The sisters (plan) were planning (past progressive tense) a family reunion for spring, but their brother (do, not, want) did not want simple past tense) to attend.
1) Claudia (learn) ______ _______ to be a chef when she (win) _________ a national recipe contest.
2) Aaron (enjoy) _______ _______ the old car show so much, he (do, not, remember) _______ ______ _______ that he had an appointment.
3) The band members (play) _______ _______ a concert when Adrienne's clarinet (squeak) __________. She (feel) __________ embarrassed.
4) The Apollo 13 astronauts (prepare) _______ _______ to land on the moon when
they (discover) __________ a problem with the spaceship. Unfortunately, they(do, not, land) ______ ______ _______.
5) Caroline (try) _______ _______ to find a job in Portland when she (hear)
_________about a great opportunity in Orlando.
6) You (sail) _______ _______ near Barbados when your ship (strike) __________
a sand bar; you (do, not, like) _______ ______ _______ waiting for help to come.
7) Cody and Matthew (sit) ______ _______ on a rocky ledge when a snake
(crawl)__________ out of its hole nearby. They (do, not, see) _______
_______ _______ it until it (get) ________ very close to them.
8) Sue (take) _______ _______ her medicine just as the doctor (order)
_______ when he (decide) ____________ to add another drug to her plan.
9) The Johnsons (tour) _______ _______ the Mediterranean when they (call) __________
us last November. They (do, not, want) _______ _______ _______ to come home.
10) I (look) _______ _______ for information about my ancestors when I (find)
_________ that some of them (be) _______ aboard the Mayflower.

Listening Comp. Exam guide

For this one, simply write the answers on a separate piece of paper and bring it in to class. QUESTIONS:

1. According to the black cat, how often does Bolt (the dog) leave the movie set?
  a.)Two times a week
  c.)Once a month

2. Are the cats really evil?
  a.)No, they're just pretending to be evil to have fun with Bolt
  c.)The skinny one is evil, but the fat one isn't

3. Who is the cats' boss?
  a.)The "green man"
  b.)The "green eyed man"

4. The black cat thinks that Bolt's message to the "green eyed man" _____________________.
  a.)is too long
  b.)is not very nice
  c.)is not necessary

5. What does the term "she's a goner" mean?
  a.)She is not around
  b.)She is not reliable
  c.)She's doomed

5th grade Reading Comp. 2nd Bimester exam guide 2011

To print this: simply "copy + paste" ... I know some of you are very good at this!  ;-)
Legend of the Mermaid
by Kelly Hashway

We’ve all heard of mermaids. They are the beautiful half-human, half-fish creatures that live in
the sea. They have the head and torso of a human and the tail of a fish. We also know that mermaids
only exist in fairy tales. But where did all the stories about these creatures come from? If you have ever
seen a manatee, then you might have an idea.

Manatees, which are also called sea cows, are mammals that live in the ocean. Since they are
mammals, they have to swim up to the surface to breathe air. Many people believe that the legend
of the mermaid began with sailors who witnessed the manatees popping their heads out of the water
to breathe. Because manatees are upright when they do this, it can look like they are standing. If a
sailor saw a manatee doing this from far away across the ocean, it is possible that the sailor would
mistake the manatee for a creature that is half-human, half-fish.

Mermaids are described as having long flowing hair. This is probably because manatees like to
swim up to the surface of the water in areas where there is seaweed. Manatees eat all kinds of
vegetation, including sea grass. The seaweed surrounding the manatee’s head when they eat could
give the impression of long hair.

Manatees also have powerful tails that are very similar to the fish-like tail of a mermaid. Sailors
probably watched manatees come up for air and then swim back below the surface, using their
paddle-shaped tails. This would explain why sailors thought mermaids had fish-like tails.
Another similarity between the manatee and the mermaid is how they hold their
young. Manatees cradle their babies in their flippers just like people hold their children in
their arms. So it is easy to see human traits in manatees and how they just might have
led to the legend of the mermaid.


Instructions: Answer the following questions:

1. What is a manatee?
a. a large, gray fish that lives in the ocean
b. a large, gray fish that lives in lakes
c. a large, gray mammal that lives in the ocean
d. another word for mermaid

2. Three Motives Ancient Sailors had to Mistake Manatees for Mermaids
I ________________________________________________________________________________
II ________________________________________________________________________________
III ________________________________________________________________________________

3. Why would the way manatees hold their babies make it "easy to see human traits in manatees"?

4. What is the theme of the article?
a. Manatees are really beautiful women.
b. Manatees may be the origin of the legend of the Mermaids.
c. Sharing interesting information about manatees.
d. Ancient sailors drank too much wine

Reading 2nd Bimester Exam guide

For this exam the subjects will be: Character actions, Character qualities, Character Motives and Story theme.

On a separate piece of paper write in your own words what each of these means.
Check back tomorrow to get the activity linked to this Focus skill.

See you tomorrow!

P.s. : If you need help go to the story town link in the "link list" on the right and look at Theme 2 stories 6 and 7.

5th Grade - 1st Bimester Writing Exam Guide - 2011

You can change the way your English class is taught!

Each group has a different Resolution:
5th B
Resolved: "English class should be stricter, quieter and more controlled"
5th C
Resolved: "English class should return to the dynamic it had before"

Each of you chose either the Affirmative (for the change) or the Negative(against the change):
Write an e-mail, 80 to 100 words, trying to convince a friend that your side is right.
Make sure you include:
1.-An e-mail address
2.- The subject
3.- Say hello
4.- State your side (Affirmative or Negative) and explain it.
5.- State at least 3 point in your favour
6.- Say goodbye.

5th Grade - 1st Bimester Spelling Exam Guide - 2011

5th grade -1st Bimester Spelling Exam Guide 2011

5th Grade -Reading Comp. guide- 1st Biemster 2011

Name____________________ Grade___________________

Ex I.- On a separate piece of paper describe, in your own words, each of the following concepts we’ve learnt.

Characters - _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

Setting- _____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Conflict- _____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

Plot events- _____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

Solution- _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

Character traits- _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

Character motives- _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

5th grade -Grammar and Vocabulary guide- 1st Bimester 2011

grammar voc challenges guide 1bi

2nd bimester GRAMMAR exam review 2013

 Ex. I : For each of the following sentences tell me if it's in the Present Simple (PS), Present Continuous (PC) or neither (Not!). Copy these instructions into your notebook and simply write down the answer for each number.

He is working hard. (PC)
He works hard. (PS)
He was working hard. (Not!)

1.-The boys are playing football this afternoon.
2.-Why is that girl crying?
3.-Does the teacher know were you are?
4.-Do you like ice-cream?
5.-I was always fond of puppies.
6.-He's carrying a lot of books.
7.-We aren't happy with the amount of work the teacher sets!
8.-When is he going to finish?
9.-I've bought the new Beiber album!
10.-Do you like Justin Beaver?!?!
11.-No, I don't like Justin Beaver!
12.-Prof. Hector is writing "Beaver" instead of Beiber.
13.-He's using English poorly!
14.-He wasn't in the classroom.
15.-Why are we talking about this?
16.-The class starts when he counts to three.
17.-When did it start?
18.-How do we know this is true?
19.-We're listening for a clue.
20.-We're practicing and learning.

Who we are - Product

5th Grade

September  2011

Instructions: Your teacher will let you know when to elaborate and hand in the following task.
It will be part of your Who we are Unit of Inquiry August - September evaluation:


Grading: Individual work, 20% written expression 30% unit of inquiry
Requirements: One of the first things you’ll need is the name of your restaurant; it should reflect the main idea of the project.
You will use a page folded into three sections, using both sides and may include no more than three pictures.
It is important for your customers to stay healthy so include the right proportions of every food, i.e. how many salads should you offer vs. how many desserts. After each section of the menu include small amounts of information on what these foods do and why they are important. Use your imagination to create interesting and appetizing dishes and make the design as attractive as you can! You can even look at real menus for inspiration. 

Tips:Take 5 minutes and assess your needs. Know the basic requirements of your PROJECT. WHAT ARE THE requirementS YOU NEED TO COVER? How many images do you have available to use on your project? What is the purpose of the pROJECT? TO PERSUADE?

Student’s name_________________________________     Group________
Parent’s signature   ______________________________________________

End of year

As the school year comes to an end I can truly and without question say that it has been a pleasure to teach you all and I wish to thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life. Hopefully I've made  it a richer one as you have made mine.

Thank you.
Prof. Hector

Grammar 5th Bimester

May - June Bimester   exam guide
I.-Present Simple
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Present Simple.
1          I _______________ photography. (like)
2          Where _____________________ ? (Sam / work)
3          How many languages _______________ ? (you / speak)
4          Sue _______________ in London. (not live)
5          _______________ to work by bus ? (they / go)
II.- Past simple:
Write the Simple Past tense of the verb in brackets.
e.g.  The teacher ____liked_______(like) exams.
1.-  The students ________________ (love) their free time.
2.- It ________(be) very late when my girlfriend called.
3.- I _______________(write) the answer to the exam question on a small piece of paper.
4.- I _______________(have) a great time in Six Flags!
5.-We _______________(eat) the entire birthday cake.
III.- Comparative + Superlative
Correct use of adjectives in the comparative and superlative.
Instructions:  Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct form – comparative or superlative.          
1.- Olinca is the _____________ (good) school in the world!!!
2.- An iPod classic is ______________(cheap) than an iPod touch.
3.- I have the _____________ (small) feet in my family.
4.- I always have to ask for a ________________(small) size shoe.
5.- “Avatar” is a _________________(popular) film than “Up”.
IV.- Present Continuous + Present simple
 Write the either the Present Continuous or the Present Simple depending on the situation.
1.- I always _________________(love) a good game of squares but right now I________________(play) football with my friends.
2.- Today we________________(work) on Grammar even though we usually only_________(play) during English class.
3.- Daniela _____________ (chat) with her friends every time the teacher tries to explain something, that’s why she_____________(get) a report now.
4.-  At this moment I______________ (finish) my homework but normally I only __________ television in the evenings.
5.-  They______________________(answer)  the grammar guide as they __________(go) home.

V.- Past Simple and Past Continuous
Complete the texts with the verbs in the Past Simple and the Past Continuous:
1.- The other day I_____________________(walk) to school when a huge dog ____________(try)to bite me!
2.- It ____________________(appear) out of nowhere and started _________________(chase) me for no apparent reason.
3.- After a few blocks it ___________________(catch up) when suddenly Super Teacher Hector ______________(fly) down from the sky and saved me!!!
4.- I could not believe it, the dog ______________________(bark) loudly when we ________________ (escape) from it.
5.- After that, I ____________________(scared) of falling to the ground but Super Teacher Hector ________________(put) me down safely near my house.

VI.- “Will” for predictions:
Write each prediction in “will”.
e.g.  The teacher ___will____ like his student’s grades.
1.-  The students ________________ have free time.
2.- It ________be very late when I finish studying.
3.- I ________ pass the exam with flying colours.
4.- He _________bring the information  tomorrow!
5.-We __________celebrate her birthday with a cake.

VII.- “Will” for predictions:
Write each prediction in the NEGATIVE. If the sentence doesn’t make sense, correct it so it does.
e.g.  The teacher ___won’t____ like his student’s grades.
1.-  The students ________________ have free time.
2.- It ________be very late when I finish studying.
3.- I ________ pass the exam with flying colours. _______________________________________________________________________
4.- He _________bring the information  tomorrow! _______________________________________________________________________
5.-We __________celebrate her birthday with a cake. _______________________________________________________________________
VIII.- “Will” for predictions:
Write each of the past 5 sentences as a QUESTION. If the sentence doesn’t make sense, correct it so it does. Remember that all you have to do is move the “will” to the beginning!!!
e.g.: The teacher ___won’t____ like his student’s grades.
______Will the teacher like his student’s grades?______________
1.       ____________________________________________________________________
2.       ____________________________________________________________________
3.       ____________________________________________________________________
4.       ____________________________________________________________________
5.       ____________________________________________________________________
IX.- Future conditional:
Write a proper condition for each event.
e.g.: The teacher will be happy if...__we all get a 10________________
1.- My parents will be angry if...__________________________________________________
2.- My dog will die if...__________________________________________________________
3.- He will become obese if..._____________________________________________________
4.- They will be famous if..._______________________________________________________
5.- My dog will be happy if..._____________________________________________________

Good luck, and see you tomorrow!
A National Geographic game to test your knowledge of the continent you choose!
Personally I found it really, really hard! Will you?

Copy, paste and print!

To make things even easier for all of us I've written the guide as a normal post on the blog.
All you have to do is "Copy + paste" the information. I know some of you are quite adept at doing this so I'm sure you'll have no problem.

See you tomorrow.

Grammar 4th Bimester exam guide
I.- “Will” for predictions:
Write each prediction in the affirmative.
e.g.  The teacher ___will____ like his student’s grades.
1.-  The students ________________ have free time.
2.- It ________be very late when I finish studying.
3.- I ________ pass the exam with flying colours.
4.- He _________bring the information  tomorrow!
5.-We __________celebrate her birthday with a cake.
6.- Mum _________buy me a toy if I get a 10.
7.- Dad _________hug  me if I give him a gift.
8.- I ______________catch the ball.
9.-The teacher ___________ get angry if we don’t finish our work.
10.- Miss Claudia _____________give us a yellow report if we hand in our work on time.
II.- “Will” for predictions:
Write each prediction in the NEGATIVE. If the sentence doesn’t make sense, correct it so it does.
e.g.  The teacher ___won’t____ like his student’s grades.
1.-  The students ________________ have free time.
2.- It ________be very late when I finish studying.
3.- I ________ pass the exam with flying colours. _______________________________________________________________________
4.- He _________bring the information  tomorrow! _______________________________________________________________________
5.-We __________celebrate her birthday with a cake. _______________________________________________________________________
6.- Mum _________buy me a toy if I get a 10. _______________________________________________________________________
7.- Dad _________hug  me if I give him a gift. _______________________________________________________________________
8.- I ______________catch the ball. _______________________________________________________________________
9.-The teacher ___________ get angry if we don’t finish our work. _______________________________________________________________________
10.- Miss Claudia _____________give us a yellow report if we hand in our work on time. _______________________________________________________________________
II.- “Will” for predictions:
Write each of the past 10 sentences as a QUESTION. If the sentence doesn’t make sense, correct it so it does. Remember that all you have to do is move the “will” to the beginning!!!
e.g.: The teacher ___won’t____ like his student’s grades.
______Will the teacher like his student’s grades?______________
1.       ____________________________________________________________________
2.       ____________________________________________________________________
3.       ____________________________________________________________________
4.       ____________________________________________________________________
5.       ____________________________________________________________________
6.       ____________________________________________________________________
7.       ____________________________________________________________________
8.       ____________________________________________________________________
9.       ____________________________________________________________________
10.   ____________________________________________________________________

III.- Future conditional:
Write a proper condition for each event.
e.g.: The teacher will be happy if...__we all get a 10________________
1.- My parents will be angry if...__________________________________________________
2.- My dog will die if...__________________________________________________________
3.- He will become obese if..._____________________________________________________
4.- They will be famous if..._______________________________________________________
5.- My dog will live if...___________________________________________________________
IV.- can’t /can, have to /don’t have to
Write two examples of thing you “can’t” do using complete sentences.
Write two examples of thing you “can” do using complete sentences.
Write two examples of thing you “have to” do using complete sentences.
Write two examples of thing you “don’t have to” do using complete sentences.

V.- Instructions:  Write next to each verb the correct Past and Past Participle form.
1.- to be            ____________________________           _______________________
2.- to eat           ____________________________           _______________________
3.- to draw        ____________________________           _______________________
4.- to send        ____________________________           _______________________
5.- to begin       ____________________________           _______________________
6.- to break       ____________________________           _______________________
7.- to go           ____________________________           _______________________
8.- to catch       ____________________________           _______________________
9.- to write         ____________________________           _______________________
10.- to give       ____________________________           _______________________

Good luck, and see you tomorrow!

Step by step instructions on printing:

It seems the web service we used to distribute our gudes has changed the format for printing, downloading and viewing full screen.

Toprint the guides now we have two choices:
1.- Click on the title of the post, this will send you to the web page were you'll have all these options on the right of the screen.
2.- Click on the "download" button, the one that looks like a little cloud with an arrow pointing down, and print it after you've saved in onto your computer.
Vocabulary 4th Bimester Exam Guide
Spelling 4th Bimester Exam Guide