2nd bimester GRAMMAR exam review 2013

 Ex. I : For each of the following sentences tell me if it's in the Present Simple (PS), Present Continuous (PC) or neither (Not!). Copy these instructions into your notebook and simply write down the answer for each number.

He is working hard. (PC)
He works hard. (PS)
He was working hard. (Not!)

1.-The boys are playing football this afternoon.
2.-Why is that girl crying?
3.-Does the teacher know were you are?
4.-Do you like ice-cream?
5.-I was always fond of puppies.
6.-He's carrying a lot of books.
7.-We aren't happy with the amount of work the teacher sets!
8.-When is he going to finish?
9.-I've bought the new Beiber album!
10.-Do you like Justin Beaver?!?!
11.-No, I don't like Justin Beaver!
12.-Prof. Hector is writing "Beaver" instead of Beiber.
13.-He's using English poorly!
14.-He wasn't in the classroom.
15.-Why are we talking about this?
16.-The class starts when he counts to three.
17.-When did it start?
18.-How do we know this is true?
19.-We're listening for a clue.
20.-We're practicing and learning.

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