Grammar 4th Bimester exam guide
I.- “Will” for predictions:
Write each prediction in the affirmative.
e.g.  The teacher ___will____ like his student’s grades.
1.-  The students ________________ have free time.
2.- It ________be very late when I finish studying.
3.- I ________ pass the exam with flying colours.
4.- He _________bring the information  tomorrow!
5.-We __________celebrate her birthday with a cake.
6.- Mum _________buy me a toy if I get a 10.
7.- Dad _________hug  me if I give him a gift.
8.- I ______________catch the ball.
9.-The teacher ___________ get angry if we don’t finish our work.
10.- Miss Claudia _____________give us a yellow report if we hand in our work on time.
II.- “Will” for predictions:
Write each prediction in the NEGATIVE. If the sentence doesn’t make sense, correct it so it does.
e.g.  The teacher ___won’t____ like his student’s grades.
1.-  The students ________________ have free time.
2.- It ________be very late when I finish studying.
3.- I ________ pass the exam with flying colours. _______________________________________________________________________
4.- He _________bring the information  tomorrow! _______________________________________________________________________
5.-We __________celebrate her birthday with a cake. _______________________________________________________________________
6.- Mum _________buy me a toy if I get a 10. _______________________________________________________________________
7.- Dad _________hug  me if I give him a gift. _______________________________________________________________________
8.- I ______________catch the ball. _______________________________________________________________________
9.-The teacher ___________ get angry if we don’t finish our work. _______________________________________________________________________
10.- Miss Claudia _____________give us a yellow report if we hand in our work on time. _______________________________________________________________________
II.- “Will” for predictions:
Write each of the past 10 sentences as a QUESTION. If the sentence doesn’t make sense, correct it so it does. Remember that all you have to do is move the “will” to the beginning!!!
e.g.: The teacher ___won’t____ like his student’s grades.
______Will the teacher like his student’s grades?______________
1.       ____________________________________________________________________
2.       ____________________________________________________________________
3.       ____________________________________________________________________
4.       ____________________________________________________________________
5.       ____________________________________________________________________
6.       ____________________________________________________________________
7.       ____________________________________________________________________
8.       ____________________________________________________________________
9.       ____________________________________________________________________
10.   ____________________________________________________________________

III.- Future conditional:
Write a proper condition for each event.
e.g.: The teacher will be happy if...__we all get a 10________________
1.- My parents will be angry if...__________________________________________________
2.- My dog will die if...__________________________________________________________
3.- He will become obese if..._____________________________________________________
4.- They will be famous if..._______________________________________________________
5.- My dog will live if...___________________________________________________________
IV.- can’t /can, have to /don’t have to
Write two examples of thing you “can’t” do using complete sentences.
Write two examples of thing you “can” do using complete sentences.
Write two examples of thing you “have to” do using complete sentences.
Write two examples of thing you “don’t have to” do using complete sentences.

V.- Instructions:  Write next to each verb the correct Past and Past Participle form.
1.- to be            ____________________________           _______________________
2.- to eat           ____________________________           _______________________
3.- to draw        ____________________________           _______________________
4.- to send        ____________________________           _______________________
5.- to begin       ____________________________           _______________________
6.- to break       ____________________________           _______________________
7.- to go           ____________________________           _______________________
8.- to catch       ____________________________           _______________________
9.- to write         ____________________________           _______________________
10.- to give       ____________________________           _______________________

Good luck, and see you tomorrow!

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