3rd bimester GRAMMAR review 2014

I.- Past simple:

Write the Simple Past tense of the verb in brackets.
e.g. The teacher ____liked _______(like) exams.

1.- The students ________________ (love) their free time.
2.- It ________(be) very late when my girlfriend called.
3.- I _______________(write) the answer to the exam question on a small piece of paper.
4.- I _______________(have) a great time in Six Flags!
5.-We _______________(eat) the entire birthday cake.
6.- Mum _______________(not try)very hard to find me my toy.
7.- Dad _________________(not like) me playing on his computer.
8.- I ______________(not catch)the ball.
9.- ____________ you __________ (draw) with a pen?
10.- ___________ we ___________(pass) our exams?
II.- Order the words to make sentences , and then write an answer to each question using complete sentences:

e.g.  when/ ? /you / homework / did / your/finish
 __When did you finish your homework?________________
________I finished my homework yesterday___________________

1.  is/favourite/animal/what/her/?
2.-  breed/it/what/?/ is / of / dog
3. are/tall/you/how/? 
4.- sang/horrible/that/who/song/? 
5.- is/Mexico city/ like/what?

III. Simple past and Past continuous
Instructions: Circle the correct tense for each sentence.
a)      Mary prepared / was preparing lunch when they came / was coming.
b)      Tom was very unlucky. It rained / was raining every day during his holidays.
c)      Who was that nice girl you talked / were talking to when I walked / was walking by the pub?
d)      Last weekend Susan fell / was falling and broke/ was breaking her leg.
e)      When I entered / was entering the cafeteria Mary had / was having lunch with Peter.
f)       We drove/ were driving to Berlin in Robert´s new car.
g)      The sun shone / was shining brightly when I got up / was getting up this morning.
h)      Ann finally told / was telling us the whole story about Peter. 

IV. Past simple
Instructions: Complete the following text using the past tense of the verbs in brackets.

Anna's holiday ____________ (be) great last summer. She _______________ (stay)
in a college in England for two weeks. She ________________ (have) classes in the mornings and in the afternoons she ________________ (do) some sports like swimming or tennis.
In the evenings she often __________________ (go) dancing or  ________________ (watch) films with her new friends.
At weekends they __________________ (drive) to some interesting places. Once they __________________ (visit) Marwell Zoo where they _______________ (see) some beautiful animals. Anna ____________________ (not like) the food at the college but that _____________________ (not be) a problem. She ____________________ (meet) a lot of people and ____________________ (learn) some English. All the students in her class ________________ (be) sorry to go home. They all _________________ (promise) to come back next summer.

V. Some, any, a, an.
Instructions:Fill in with a, an, some, any.
1.    I need _______________ oil for the salad.
2.    I want _____________ fish and ____________ glass of wine for lunch.
3.    There isn’t _____ milk for the breakfast. But there is _______ cup of coffe.
4.    Do we need ___________ pasta?
5.    She wants _____________ cheese and ham for the sandwich.
6.    Do you have _____________ tomato for the salad?
7.    I want ____________ mango and __________ orange.
8.    He always has ___________ bread and ___________ butter for the breakfast.
9.    There isn’t _____________ cereal in the supermarket.
10.  My friend likes to eat _____________ apple in the morning. 

VI. Choose can, can’t, have to or don’t have to to complete each sentence.

1.I love tattoos, but my dad says I __________ get one.
2.You __________  tell anyone this - it's a secret.
3.In England, you __________  go to school on Sunday.
4.If you have a dog, you __________ take it for a walk every day.
5.You __________ have to get married in a church - you can get married anywhere!
6.I __________ remember to buy my dad a birthday present.
7.Do I_________ get a visa to go to China?
8. __________I stay in bed until 11 tomorrow?
9.  Sorry, but we __________  go home now.

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