5th grade 3rd bimester GRAMMAR review 2013

Grammar 3rd Bimester exam review

I.- Past simple:

Write the Simple Past tense of the verb in brackets.
e.g. The teacher ____liked _______(like) exams

.1.- The students ________________ (love) their free time.
2.- It ________(be) very late when my girlfriend called.
3.- I _______________(write) the answer to the exam question on a small piece of paper.
4.- I _______________(have) a great time in Six Flags!
5.-We _______________(eat) the entire birthday cake.
6.- Mum _______________(not try)very hard to find me my toy.
7.- Dad _________________(not like) me playing on his computer.
8.- I ______________(not catch)the ball.
9.- ____________ you __________ (draw) with a pen?
10.- ___________ we ___________(pass) our exams?
II.- Order the words to make sentences , and then write an answer to each question using complete sentences:

e.g.  when/ ? /you / homework / did / your/finish
 __When did you finish your homework?________________
________I finished my homework yesterday___________________

1.  is/favourite/animal/what/her/?
2.-  breed/it/what/?/ is / of / dog
3. are/tall/you/how/? 
4.- sang/horrible/that/who/song/? 
5.- is/Mexico city/ like/what?

III.- Use each of the following adjectives to write a sentence using its comparative form:
1.- good: _________________________________________________________________
2.- bad: _________________________________________________________________
3.-tall: _________________________________________________________________
4.-short: _______________________________________________________
5.-boring: _______________________________________________________
6.-funny: _________________________________________________________________
7.-cheap: ________________________________________________________
9.- happy: __________________________________________________________
10.-sad: ___________________________________________________________

IV.- Instructions: Write next to each verb the correct Past and Past Participle form.
1.-to be ___________________________________ 
2.-to eat ___________________________________ 
3.- to draw _________________________________ 
4.- to send _________________________________ 
5.- to begin ________________________________ 
6.- to break ________________________________
7.- to go ___________________________________ 
8.- to catch _________________________________
9.- to write _________________________________
10.- to give _________________________________ 

Good luck, and see you  tomorrow!

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