HW due 29th of Feb. 2012

Permission, Prohibition, Obligation, No obligation

To express permissionprohibitionobligation and no obligation we usually use modal verbs.


Can is often used to ask for and give permission.
  • Can I sit here?
  • You can use my car if you like.
  • Can I make a suggestion?
We can also use may and could to ask for and give permission but can is used more


Can’t  is used to show that something is prohibited – it is not allowed.
  • You can’t park here, sir.
  • You can wear jeans but you can’t wear trainers in that bar.
  • You  can't speak when the teacher is speaking.
Can’t tells us that something is against the rules. 


Have to is used to express obligation.

Have to
 shows us that the obligation comes from somebody else. It’s a law or a rule and the speaker can’t change it.
  • Do you have to wear a uniform at your school?
  • John can’t come because he has to work tomorrow.
  • In Britain you have to buy a TV licence every year.

No obligation

We use don’t have to to show that there is no obligation. You can do something if you want to but it’s not compulsory.
  • You don’t have to wear a tie in our office. You can wear a tie if you want to but it’s OK if you don’t.
  • It’ll be nice if you do but you don’t have to come with me if you don’t want to.
  • You don’t have to dress up for the party. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in.

Instructions: Complete the following sentences with can / can't / have to / don't have to.

1.- Olinca students ______________ wear uniform on Mondays.
2.- The students ____________ use moblie phones in class.
3.- 5th graders _______________ call their teachers "Sir" or "Miss", they can use their names.
4.- 5th B _____________ get another pizza party if they speak in English all the time!

5th grade 3rd bimester VOCABULARY review 2013

Vocabulary 3rd bimester Exam review 2013

I.- Match each vocabulary word with one of the clues, write the complete word and make sure you’ve got the correct spelling:
uninhabitable                    endeavour              residents         adjust                   pesky                   
inflammable                       rowdy                   outcast                 shatter                 unfathomable
debris                   teeming               brimming              specimens         betrayed
1.-to smash or break into lots of small pieces      __________________________
2.-impossible to live in                                                   __________________________
3.-a difficult and challenging project                        __________________________
4.-to double cross, to become a traitor                  __________________________
5.-able to catch fire                                                         __________________________
6.-the people or animals that live in a place          __________________________
7.-the trash or remains found after a disaster     __________________________
8.-very loud and wanting to fight                              __________________________
9.-a glass that is very, very full of water is...         __________________________
10.-sth which has a lot of activity or is full of life __________________________
11.-someone who has been segregated                               __________________________
12.-annoying                                                                      __________________________
13.-samples or examples                                              __________________________
14.-unable to imagine                                                    __________________________
15.-to adapt or change on order to survive           __________________________

II.- Give an example for each of the following vocabulary words:
e.g. inflammable: ____gasoline_____
1.- necessary:_____________________________
2.- monotonous:________________________________
4.- uninhabitable:_____________________________
5.- dignified:_____________________________
8.- seldom:_____________________________
9.- bored:_____________________________
12.- worrying:_____________________________
13.- terrified:_____________________________
14.- terrified:_____________________________
16.- exciting:_____________________________

IV.- Make a drawing of each of the following spelling words:



Good luck, and I’ll see you tomorrow!
Prof. Hector

5th grade 3rd bimester SPELLING review 2013

Spelling 3rd Bimester Exam review
I.- Match each spelling word with one of the clues, write the complete word and make sure you’ve got the correct spelling:
Minute                 enemy                      pretend           honest                  slogan                   repaint
Cannon                                reclaim                 refried                  reconsider                          unwise
hidden                  digestible                            judgement                                         priceless
1.-you can get nutrients and energy from this    __________________________
2.-it is so valuable that no one can buy it               __________________________
3.-sixty seconds                                                         __________________________
4.-the opposite of friend                                              __________________________
5.-out of sight                                                                    __________________________
6.-to tell the truth                                                            __________________________
7.-to say that sth is yours again                                  __________________________
8.-a sentence to sell you sth                                       __________________________
9.-a large gun                                                                     __________________________
10.-a decision                                                                    __________________________
11.-fried again                                                                   __________________________
12.-cover with colour again                                          __________________________
13.-to act                                                                             __________________________
14.-foolish                                                                           __________________________
15.-to think again about sth                                         __________________________
II.- Some of the following spelling are misspelt. Underline them and write the correct spelling.
1.- dispensible
III.- Make a drawing of each of the following spelling words:

IV.-  Write as many words as you can using these prefixes:  un- and non-
V.-  Write as many words as you can using these Suffixes:  -less, -ment and -able

Study from lessons 11 trough 14. Remember that the exam is on Friday Feb. 15th

Good luck, and I’ll see you tomorrow!
Prof. Hector

LISTENING Extra review

Listen to Dr. King's speech and answer the following questions:
1.- What does Dr. King say he has?

2.- According to him "All men are created ____________" (fill in the blank).

3.- Who will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood?

4.- How many children does Dr. King have?

5.- In his dream, what are people judged by instead of the colour of their skin?

5th grade 3rd bimester WRITING review 2013

Write 90 to 110 words comparing Mexico with another country you might wish to live in once you've grown up. USE A VENN DIAGRAM to outline the differences and similarities between the countries.

5th grade 3rd bimester GRAMMAR review 2013

Grammar 3rd Bimester exam review

I.- Past simple:

Write the Simple Past tense of the verb in brackets.
e.g. The teacher ____liked _______(like) exams

.1.- The students ________________ (love) their free time.
2.- It ________(be) very late when my girlfriend called.
3.- I _______________(write) the answer to the exam question on a small piece of paper.
4.- I _______________(have) a great time in Six Flags!
5.-We _______________(eat) the entire birthday cake.
6.- Mum _______________(not try)very hard to find me my toy.
7.- Dad _________________(not like) me playing on his computer.
8.- I ______________(not catch)the ball.
9.- ____________ you __________ (draw) with a pen?
10.- ___________ we ___________(pass) our exams?
II.- Order the words to make sentences , and then write an answer to each question using complete sentences:

e.g.  when/ ? /you / homework / did / your/finish
 __When did you finish your homework?________________
________I finished my homework yesterday___________________

1.  is/favourite/animal/what/her/?
2.-  breed/it/what/?/ is / of / dog
3. are/tall/you/how/? 
4.- sang/horrible/that/who/song/? 
5.- is/Mexico city/ like/what?

III.- Use each of the following adjectives to write a sentence using its comparative form:
1.- good: _________________________________________________________________
2.- bad: _________________________________________________________________
3.-tall: _________________________________________________________________
4.-short: _______________________________________________________
5.-boring: _______________________________________________________
6.-funny: _________________________________________________________________
7.-cheap: ________________________________________________________
9.- happy: __________________________________________________________
10.-sad: ___________________________________________________________

IV.- Instructions: Write next to each verb the correct Past and Past Participle form.
1.-to be ___________________________________ 
2.-to eat ___________________________________ 
3.- to draw _________________________________ 
4.- to send _________________________________ 
5.- to begin ________________________________ 
6.- to break ________________________________
7.- to go ___________________________________ 
8.- to catch _________________________________
9.- to write _________________________________
10.- to give _________________________________ 

Good luck, and see you  tomorrow!

5th grade 3rd bimester LISTENING review 2013

Click on this link and carry out the "preparation" and all four tasks after listening to the MP3 file.

Listening review

5th grade 3rd bimester READING review 2013

The Smiling Rabbit
An old man and his wife lived in a little house made of straw. They were very poor and all they
owned were a rabbit and a young jaguar. When the old couple used up their last ear of corn, they
decided to eat the rabbit and started heating water to cook him. When he saw that, the jaguar said
to the rabbit:
-You won't get out of this one. The old people are going to eat you and they will give me a piece.
-No, my jaguar friend, -said the rabbit- the old folk are heating water to make hot chocolate for
-That's not true. They are heating the water to cook you.
-Not at all. What's more, I can prove it. Get into my cage and you'll see; they'll give you the first
The trusting jaguar went into the cage, the rabbit closed it and ran off. A long time went by and the
jaguar tired of waiting for the old people to bring him his chocolate. When he realized that the
rabbit had tricked him, he broke the cage and went after him.
After walking and walking, he found him in a cave of the kind they call sahkaberas (caves where
people mine white earth). He was very angry and he showed his teeth as he said:
-I caught you, rabbit! I'm going to eat you.
-What's the matter, my friend? What are you talking about? I don't know you. I have lived here for
a long time. Now excuse me, can't you see I am very busy?
My house is falling down.
-Oh, so you are not the one who tricked me?
-Of course not! But, please help me. Lean against this wall while I go get a log to hold it up and
keep it from falling. And don't let go or it might crush you. So the jaguar stood on his hind legs
and held up the wall.
A long time went by and the jaguar was tired. When he saw that the wall didn't fall down, he
realized that he had been tricked again. He took off after the deceitful rabbit, even angrier than
This time he found him hanging from an elastic vine that made him go up and down. The rabbit
was so happy thinking of how he had fooled the jaguar that he didn't notice when the latter took a
great leap, pulled on the vine with all his strength and then suddenly let go. The rabbit went up
and up through the air holding his belly and laughing, and finally he reached the moon. That is
why on nights when the moon is full and red you can still see the rabbit bending over holding his
stomach with laughter.

1.- Which genre is this story?
2.- Who are the two main characters?
3.- How many times does the rabbit trick the jaguar?
4.- What natural phenomenon does the story explain?
5.- Where do you think this story is from (country)?