Past Simple and Past Continuous

Use the verbs in parenthesis to complete the story. 

The Hobbit
Bilbo Baggins ________ (to be) a Little hobbit, who _______(like) nothing more than a warm meal and a hot cup of tea. Until one day, while he _____________(smoke) his pipe and blowing smoke rings an old wizard named Gandalf __________(come) along and _____________ (ask) him to go on an adventure. Together with thirteen dwarves they set out to reclaim an old dwarf treasure from Smaug the dragon.
One night, they _____________(complain)about their miserable situation, when they ____________(encounter) three large, evil and dumb trolls. The trolls ____________(catch) them and ______________(plan)to eat them when Gandalf ____________(arrive) just in time to confuse and make the trolls fight amongst each other until the sun ____________(come out)an the trolls _____________(turn) to stone.

This exercise is due on Thursday November 29th, 2012

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