5th Bimester Writing exam guide 2012

5th Bimester Writing exam guide 2012

You haven't felt very well lately, somethng is bothering you and making you sad but you know that your best friend would probably cheer you up if you contacted them. Maybe they've got a new videogame or the new Justin Beaver CD.

INSTRUCTIONS: Write an e-mail of  70 to 80 words addressedto your best frind asking them for help in making you feel better. Make sure to include some of the vocabulary words  for feeling you've just learnt in the Unit of Inquiry.

5th Bimester Vocabulary guide 2012

5th Bimester Vocabulary guide 2012

INSTRUCTIONS:  Complete the sentences using the words from the box.

Vital       damage         monopolize        bland     panic     cushions              rug         government

1.- The twister left a lot of _______________ in the town.
2.- My big sister likes to_______________ the bathroom every morning.
3.- The Mayan prophecy will cause ____________ around the world.
4.- My breakfast was _____________ , I forgot to add sugar to my cereal.
5.- The ________________ must protect its citizens, that is its first duty.
6.- Girls like to have a lot of ________________ on their bed.
7.- Water is _______________ for life to exist on Earth.
8.- My dog sleeps on a _____________ in my room.
INSTRUCTIONS:  Give a short description of each sport.

1.- football:    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2.- rugby:    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3.- skiing:    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4.- motor racing:    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5.- rock climbing:    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6.- cards:    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7.- chess:    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8.- pool:    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
INSTRUCTIONS:  Write three related words for each of the following Vocabulary words:

1. - vital    ____________ , _______________ , ________________          

2. - damage ____________ , _______________ , ________________

3. - somberly ____________ , _______________ , ________________

4. -monopolize ____________ , _______________ , ________________

5. - desolate ____________ , _______________ , ________________

6. - fervor ____________ , _______________ , ________________

7. - bland  ____________ , _______________ , ________________

8. - loathe      ____________ , _______________ , ________________

9. - altruism  ____________ , _______________ , ________________

10. - mistreated  ____________ , _______________ , ________________

11. - mentor   ____________ , _______________ , ________________

12. - gleeful   ____________ , _______________ , ________________!

13. -immaculate____________ , _______________ , ________________

14. - panic____________ , _______________ , ________________

15. - precious____________ , _______________ , ________________

16.- wardrobe____________ , _______________ , ________________

17.- bedspread____________ , _______________ , ________________

18.- lampshade____________ , _______________ , ________________

19.- curtain____________ , _______________ , ________________

20.- discovery____________ , _______________ , ________________

5th Bimester Spelling Exam guide

Study words from lesson 21 through lesson 26.

Visit "Spelling city" and test yourself on the  S-test section.

Print or e-mail your results and bring them in tomorrow.

Good luck.

5th Bimester Reading exam guide 2012

5th Bimester Reading exam guide 2012

Paraphrase- a restatement of a text or work giving the meaning in

another form or, paraphrasing myself: restating something in your own words.

i.e. "Eating sugary drinks and a lot of sweet bread is a sure fire way to become obese in today's fast food culture."   can be paraphrased as : " If you eat too much sugar and bread you'll become obese"

Instructions: Choose the option which best paraphrases the given sentence:

1.- The children of 5th grade thought it was cruel and unusual for their English teacher to assign so much homework, specially since it was a Friday!

a.- The English teacher was happy and laughed a lot when he gave sooooo much homework to the kids!
b.- The kids didn´t think it was fair that, being a Friday, the teacher had left them so much work.
c.- The kids thought that they'd finish quickly all the work they had assigned for the weekend.

2.- One should always avoid eating naturally frozen water which has a yellowish colour added, probably by some animal or human.

a.- Never eat yellow snow.
b.- Vanilla ice cream is to be avoided.
c.- The sun shines on the snow and it looks yellow.

Write a summary of the following paragraph:

A tornado is a powerful, twisting windstorm.  It begins high in the air, among the winds of a giant storm cloud.  People who have watched a tornado’s howling winds reach down from the sky have said it’s the most frightening thing they have ever seen.  In some parts of the United States, these windstorms are called twisters or cyclones.

Now summarize it into one sentence.

5th Bimester Grammar exam guide 2012

5th Bimester Grammar exam guide 2012

I.- Past Simple
Instructions: Write the simple past tense of the verb in brackets.

1.- Yesterday we ____________(have) free time!
2.- We ____________(ask) Hector for permission to go to the snak bar.
3.- Diego _______________(eat) a pizza.
4.- We all _______________(play) squares in the yard.
5.- Afterwards we ____________(practice) our "table" for P.E. 
6.- It _____________(be) lots of fun!
7.- Some kids ___________(not want) to dance.
8.- They ____________(be) embarrassed.
9.- When we _______________(finish) we all _________(drink) water.
10.- Most of us ________________(not like) the music.

II.-Present Simple
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Present Simple.

1   I _______________ photography. (like)
2   Where _____________________ ? (Sam / work)
3   How many languages _______________ ? (you / speak)
4   Sue _______________ in London. (not live)
5    _______________ to work by bus ? (they / go)

III.- Comparative + Superlative
Correct use of adjectives in the comparative and superlative.
Instructions:  Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct form – comparative or superlative.          

1.- Olinca is the _____________ (good) school in the world!!!
2.- An iPod classic is ______________(cheap) than an iPod touch.
3.- I have the _____________ (small) feet in my family.
4.- I always have to ask for a ________________(small) size shoe.
5.- “Avatar” is a _________________(popular) film than “Up”.

IV.- Present Continuous + Present simple
 Write the either the Present Continuous or the Present Simple depending on the situation.

1.- I always _________________(love) a good game of squares but right now I________________(play) football with my friends.
2.- Today we________________(work) on Grammar even though we usually only_________(play) during English class.
3.- Daniela _____________ (chat) with her friends every time the teacher tries to explain something, that’s why she_____________(get) a report now.
4.-  At this moment I______________ (finish) my homework but normally I only __________ television in the evenings.
5.-  They______________________(answer)  the grammar guide as they __________(go) home.

V.- Past Simple and Past Continuous
Complete the texts with the verbs in the Past Simple and the Past Continuous:

1.- The other day I_____________________(walk) to school when a huge dog ____________(try)to bite me!
2.- It ____________________(appear) out of nowhere and started _________________(chase) me for no apparent reason.
3.- After a few blocks it ___________________(catch up) when suddenly Super Teacher Hector ______________(fly) down from the sky and saved me!!!
4.- I could not believe it, the dog ______________________(bark) loudly when we ________________ (escape) from it.
5.- After that, I ____________________(scared) of falling to the ground but Super Teacher Hector ________________(put) me down safely near my house.

VI.- “Will” for predictions:
Write each prediction using “will”.

e.g.  The teacher ___will____ like his student’s grades.
1.-  The students ________________ have free time.
2.- It ________be very late when I finish studying.
3.- I ________ pass the exam with flying colours.
4.- He _________bring the information  tomorrow!
5.-We __________celebrate her birthday with a cake.

III.-Arrangements and intentions
Instructions: Complete each sentence with either “going to” or the present continuous using the verb in parenthesis.

1.- I_________________ (watch) a movie next weekend.
2.- He _________________ (practice) skydiving some day.
3.- This weekend, I______________(celebrate) my dad’s birthday.
4.- They ______________ (win) the championship!
5.- This afternoon, I______________(eat) tacos.
6.- I________________ (study) very hard.
7.- I________________(shower) everyday.
8.- I _______________(not cheat) ever in any of my exams.
9.- I_____________________(not hit) anyone ever again.
10.- Lucas _________________(get) an injection this Friday.

IV.- Present Perfect
Instructions: answer the following questions with complete sentences:

1. Have you ever eaten a mountain? _________________________________
2. Have you ever walked in the ocean? _______________________________
3. Have you ever swum in a plane? __________________________________
4. Have you ever been to your house? ________________________________
5. Have you ever sung the piano? ___________________________________
6. Have you ever sailed the metro? __________________________________
7. Have you ever watched a hat? ____________________________________
8. Have you ever hated a watch? ____________________________________
9. Have you ever crossed a tie? _____________________________________
10. Have you ever tied a tale? ______________________________________
11. Have you ever written a storm? __________________________________

V.- General review
Instructions: Complete the following text. Use the verbs in parenthesis.

Ming: Hello May. I haven’t seen you for a long time. How (1)________ you?
Jo: I’m great. Thanks! Right now, I (2) ________ (try) to find a job.
Ming: Oh, that must be very hard. But I thought you (3) ________ (work) in a law firm before?
Jo: Yes, but I (4) ________ (quit) 2 months ago. I (5) ________ (not/like) the boss. She was annoying. What about you?
Ming: Well, I (6) ________ on my way to (7) ________ (watch) a movie. That’s my job now. Movie reviewer.
Jo: How nice! How many movies (8) ________ you ________ (watch) a day?
Ming: Six. I (9) ________ (watch) 3 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. My boss (10) ________ crazy yesterday. He (11) ________ (make) me watch 10 movies!
Jo: So horrible. I bet you (12) ________ (sleep) while watching the movies.
Ming: Haha. How (13) ________ you ________ (guess)?

5th Bimester Listening Exam guide 2012

Click on the three following links, watch the videos and answer the questions you'll find bellow the movie:

Song: Endless Summer

Butlering a Buckingham palace

St George's day