Predictions, Intentions and Plans

Copy down the following into your notebook:

- For predictions use "will" : I will be a Rock star!
- For intentions use "be going to" : I'm going to get an ice cream.
- For  plans or arrangements use the "Present Continuous": He is playing a football match next Thursday at 2pm.
Ex. 1: Identify if each of the following sentences is a prediction, an intention or a plan. Write down the answer in your notebook.

1.- I'm traveling to Bombay next weekend.
2.- He is going to travel the world someday.
3.- We will have "Free time" this week.
4.- Pumas will win the championship!
5.- This afternoon, I'm meeting with my lawyer.
6.- I'm going to practice reading out loud.
7.- I'm going to study for every exam from now on.
8.- I won't fail another exam, ever.
9.- I'm not going to do naughty things anymore!
10.- Lucas is coming to school this Thursday.

Ex. 2: Write 5 sentences expressing your intentions for the future, 5 expressing your plans and 5 predictions for the world.
e.g. - Intention:    I'm going to have two children.
       - Plan:          I'm having two children.
       - Prediction: I will have two children.

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