Vocabulary 3rd Bimester Exam guide 2012

Vocabulary 3rd Bimester Exam guide 2012
I.- Match each vocabulary word with one of the clues, write the complete word and make sure you’ve got the correct spelling:
uninhabitable                    endeavour              residents         adjust                   pesky                   
inflammable                       rowdy                   outcast                 shatter                 unfathomable
debris                   teeming               brimming              specimens         betrayed
1.-to smash or break into lots of small pieces      __________________________
2.-impossible to live in                                                   __________________________
3.-a difficult and challenging project                        __________________________
4.-to double cross, to become a traitor                  __________________________
5.-able to catch fire                                                         __________________________
6.-the people or animals that live in a place          __________________________
7.-the trash or remains found after a disaster     __________________________
8.-very loud and wanting to fight                              __________________________
9.-a glass that is very, very full of water is...         __________________________
10.-sth which has a lot of activity or is full of life __________________________
11.-someone who has been segregated                               __________________________
12.-annoying                                                                      __________________________
13.-samples or examples                                              __________________________
14.-unable to imagine                                                    __________________________
15.-to adapt or change on order to survive           __________________________
II.- Give an example for each of the following vocabulary words:
e.g. inflammable: ____gasoline_____
1.- necessary:_____________________________
2.- monotonous:________________________________
4.- uninhabitable:_____________________________
5.- dignified:_____________________________
8.- seldom:_____________________________
9.- bored:_____________________________
12.- worrying:_____________________________
13.- terrified:_____________________________
14.- terrified:_____________________________
16.- exciting:_____________________________
IV.- Make a drawing of each of the following spelling words:

Good luck, and I’ll see you tomorrow!
Prof. Hector

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