How we organize ourselves


Vocabulary 3rd Bimester Exam guide 2012

Vocabulary 3rd Bimester Exam guide 2012
I.- Match each vocabulary word with one of the clues, write the complete word and make sure you’ve got the correct spelling:
uninhabitable                    endeavour              residents         adjust                   pesky                   
inflammable                       rowdy                   outcast                 shatter                 unfathomable
debris                   teeming               brimming              specimens         betrayed
1.-to smash or break into lots of small pieces      __________________________
2.-impossible to live in                                                   __________________________
3.-a difficult and challenging project                        __________________________
4.-to double cross, to become a traitor                  __________________________
5.-able to catch fire                                                         __________________________
6.-the people or animals that live in a place          __________________________
7.-the trash or remains found after a disaster     __________________________
8.-very loud and wanting to fight                              __________________________
9.-a glass that is very, very full of water is...         __________________________
10.-sth which has a lot of activity or is full of life __________________________
11.-someone who has been segregated                               __________________________
12.-annoying                                                                      __________________________
13.-samples or examples                                              __________________________
14.-unable to imagine                                                    __________________________
15.-to adapt or change on order to survive           __________________________
II.- Give an example for each of the following vocabulary words:
e.g. inflammable: ____gasoline_____
1.- necessary:_____________________________
2.- monotonous:________________________________
4.- uninhabitable:_____________________________
5.- dignified:_____________________________
8.- seldom:_____________________________
9.- bored:_____________________________
12.- worrying:_____________________________
13.- terrified:_____________________________
14.- terrified:_____________________________
16.- exciting:_____________________________
IV.- Make a drawing of each of the following spelling words:

Good luck, and I’ll see you tomorrow!
Prof. Hector

Spelling 3rd Bimester 2012 Exam Guide

Spelling 3rd Bimester Exam guide
I.- Match each spelling word with one of the clues, write the complete word and make sure you’ve got the correct spelling:
Minute                 enemy                      pretend           honest                  slogan                   repaint
Cannon                                reclaim                 refried                  reconsider                          unwise
hidden                  digestible                            judgement                                         priceless
1.-you can get nutrients and energy from this    __________________________
2.-it is so valuable that no one can buy it               __________________________
3.-sixty seconds                                                                                __________________________
4.-the opposite of friend                                              __________________________
5.-out of sight                                                                    __________________________
6.-to tell the truth                                                            __________________________
7.-to say that sth is yours again                                  __________________________
8.-a sentence to sell you sth                                       __________________________
9.-a large gun                                                                     __________________________
10.-a decision                                                                    __________________________
11.-fried again                                                                   __________________________
12.-cover with colour again                                          __________________________
13.-to act                                                                             __________________________
14.-foolish                                                                           __________________________
15.-to think again about sth                                         __________________________
II.- Some of the following spelling are misspelt. Underline them and write the correct spelling.
1.- dispensible
III.- Make a drawing of each of the following spelling words:

IV.-  Write as many words as you can using these prefixes:  un- and non-
V.-  Write as many words as you can using these Suffixes:  -less, -ment and -able

Study from lessons 11 trough 14. Remember that the exam is on Wednesday Feb. 15th

Good luck, and I’ll see you tomorrow!
Prof. Hector

Grammar exam guide 3rd Bimester 2012

I. Simple past and Past continuous
Instructions: Circle the correct tense for each sentence.
a)      Mary prepared / was preparing lunch when they came / was coming.
b)      Tom was very unlucky. It rained / was raining every day during his holidays.
c)      Who was that nice girl you talked / were talking to when I walked / was walking by the pub?
d)      Last weekend Susan fell / was falling and broke/ was breaking her leg.
e)      When I entered / was entering the cafeteria Mary had / was having lunch with Peter.
f)       We drove/ were driving to Berlin in Robert´s new car.
g)      The sun shone / was shining brightly when I got up / was getting up this morning.
h)      Ann finally told / was telling us the whole story about Peter. 

II. Past simple
Instructions: Complete the following text using the past tense of the verbs in brackets.

Anna's holiday ____________ (be) great last summer. She _______________ (stay)
in a college in England for two weeks. She ________________ (have) classes in the mornings and in the afternoons she ________________ (do) some sports like swimming or tennis.
In the evenings she often __________________ (go) dancing or  ________________ (watch) films with her new friends.
At weekends they __________________ (drive) to some interesting places. Once they __________________ (visit) Marwell Zoo where they _______________ (see) some beautiful animals. Anna ____________________ (not like) the food at the college but that _____________________ (not be) a problem. She ____________________ (meet) a lot of people and ____________________ (learn) some English. All the students in her class ________________ (be) sorry to go home. They all _________________ (promise) to come back next summer.

III.Complete the text with the comparative or superlative forms (nicer than, the nicest). Don’t forget the “than” when it’s a comparative and the “the” when it’s a superlative. 18 pts.

Italians are normally (relax) ________________ Americans when it comes to food. Slow food is known to be (healthy) ________________. In many American homes it is rare for the whole family to sit down at dinner together. Clubs and commitments force them to have a quick meal rather than a sit-down meal.  When they have the chance to eat at home, it is often the working housewife who prepares meals. Some people say that American wives are (bad) ________________ cooks in the world. They say that Italian wives are (good) ________________ cooks than American ones. Anyway, today, people need food which can be eaten (quick) ________________. This great transformation occurred after World War II. 
Many women wanted to be (independent) ________________  and find work full-time jobs. Therefore, they spent less time at home preparing food. It was necessary to make their life (easy) ________________ at home in the preparation of the family dinner. The TV dinner was invented. Frozen meals were (fast) ________________ solution: They could be put into an oven and prepared within minutes. They were conveniently carried into the living room and consumed alone in front of a TV set. Then, people wanted (fast) ________________  food. From fast dinners at home the next step was 
(quick) ________________: eating on the road. With the development of the highways, America saw the beginning of fast-food chains. McDonald's was the first to open and is still (popular) ________________. Today dozens of fast-food chains can be found along every highway from (small) ________________ to (big) ________________. Fast-food chains are also found in shopping centres in America. Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Roy Roger's, Burger King and Wendy's are just a few example. Fast food is (unhealthy) ________________ food there is. However, it is now part of American culture. They offer chicken, donuts, tacos and pizza, all quickly produced in (big) ________________ quantities. These establishments have influenced the health and diet of the American people who are getting (fat) ________________ and ________________. 

IV. Some, any, a, an.
Instructions:Fill in with a, an, some, any.
1.    I need _______________ oil for the salad.
2.    I want _____________ fish and ____________ glass of wine for lunch.
3.    There isn’t _____ milk for the breakfast. But there is _______ cup of coffe.
4.    Do we need ___________ pasta?
5.    She wants _____________ cheese and ham for the sandwich.
6.    Do you have _____________ tomato for the salad?
7.    I want ____________ mango and __________ orange.
8.    He always has ___________ bread and ___________ butter for the breakfast.
9.    There isn’t _____________ cereal in the supermarket.
10.  My friend likes to eat _____________ apple in the morning.