5th grade 2nd bimester LISTENING guide 2012

Answer the following questions:
1.- Write down the names of the three creatures described in the audio file.
2.- Next to the names write down the year in which each encounter happened.
3.- Which of these do you think is the scariest story?

5th grade 2nd bimester VOCABULARY guide 2012

I .- Challenges Vocabulary:
Make a drawing of the following fantastical creatures:
- A horrible werewolf
- A hairy mermaid
- An enormous hobbit
- A dark giant squid
- A scary fairy
- A sexy alien
- A tall zombie
II .- Make a drawing of the following people or places:
- A guilty judge
- An innocent criminal
- A dirty prison
- A huge thief

III.- Story Town Vocabulary: Answer the following questions.

5th grade 2nd bimester WRITING guide 2012

Use the Past Simple and the Past Continuous to tell a ghost story! Write 90 to 110 words and remember to use the Past Continuous to describe the Setting and the Past Simple for the Events.
You may also use the Present Simple and Continuous for any dialoges you wish to include.
Make it Fun!

5th grade 2nd bimester GRAMMAR review 2013


5th grade 2nd bimester SPELLING guide 2012

INSTRUCTIONS: Click on these two links and solve the test. On a separate piece of paper write down your mistakes and bring them to class on Monday:
Lesson 6 test

Lesson 7 test

Lesson 9 test

INSTRUCTIONS: Repeat each of the following words 3 times:

5th grade 2nd bimester READING guide 2012

Instructions: carefully read the following story. Then fill in the graphic organizer with four events from the story. 

Jean Sot Guards the Door

A Louisiana Tall Tale 
retold by
S. E. Schlosser
One day, Jean Sot's mother wanted to go to town.
"Now Jean," she said, "I want you to guard the door.
"Yes, Mama," Jean Sot agreed.
Jean's mother left for town. Jean waited and waited for her to get back. But she was gone a very long time. Jean got worried, and decided to look for her. But he remembered he had promised to guard the door. So Jean took the door off of its hinges and carried it on his back when he went to look for his mother.
Along the way, Jean Sot saw some robbers coming along the path, carrying a heavy sack of money. Jean Sot was frightened. He adjusted the door on his back as best as he could and climbed up a nearby tree to wait for the robbers to go by. But the robbers stopped underneath the tree! They sat down and began to count their money. The chief robber counted out the money for each man, saying: "This is for you, and this is for you, and this is for you."
"And that one's for me," Jean Sot cried. The robbers were startled. They looked around, but couldn't see anyone. The chief robber began counting again: "This is for you, and this is for you, and this is for you."
Again, Jean Sot said: "That one's for me!"
"Who is that?" called the chief robber. "I will wring his fool neck!"
Jean Sot was so scared he began to shake, and the door fell off his back and down onto the robbers.
"The Devil is throwing doors at us!" shouted one of the robbers. They were so frightened that all the robbers ran away without their money. So Jean Sot climbed down the tree, picked up the money and the door and took them home to his mother.

Now answer the following questions:

1.- What did Jean do before going to look for his mother?
2.- Why did he do this?
3.- Based on his actions, write two character traits for Jean Sot.

2nd Bimester Spelling exam guide 2012

5th grade: Spelling exam guide 2nd Bimester 2011

For this exam we need to study all words from lessons 6 through 9.

Simply go over the related words and the drawings then choose the 20 you find most difficult or confusing and write the definitions and related words on a separate piece of paper.

2nd Bimester Reading Exam guide 2012

Reading 2nd Bimester Exam guide

For this exam the subjects will be: Character actions, Character qualities, Character Motives and Story theme.

On a separate piece of paper write in your own words what each of these means.
Check back tomorrow to get the activity linked to this Focus skill.

See you tomorrow!

P.s. : If you need help go to the story town link in the "link list" on the right and look at Theme 2 stories 6 and 7.