Irregular verbs: Complete the table by hand

                               PAST                PAST PARTICIPLE              GERUND
to be             ____________   ______________    ______________
to have        ____________    ______________    ______________
to buy          ____________    ______________    ______________
to stand      ____________    ______________    ______________
to keep       ____________    ______________    ______________
to run         ____________    ______________    ______________
to forget    ____________    ______________    ______________
to begin     ____________    ______________    ______________
to sleep      ___________    ______________    ______________
to make     ___________     ______________    ______________
to bring     ____________    ______________    ______________
to lend       ___________    _______________    ______________
to go          ____________    ______________    ______________
to shut       ____________    ______________    ______________
to forget   ____________    ______________    ______________
to teach    ____________    ______________    ______________


I. Look at the fridge.
Fill in the sentences with the correct form of :

  there is/ there are, some and any.

1. ………… there ……… eggs? Yes, there …………
2. There ……………… …………… tomatoes.
3. …………… there ………… meat? Yes, there……
4. There …………… ………… apples.
5. There …………… ………… milk.
6. …………… there ………… bottles? Yes, there ………………
7. There …………… …………… fish.
8. …………… there …………… potatoes? No, there ………………
9. There ………… …………… butter.
10. There ………… …………… ham.
11. …………… there ………… jam jars? Yes, there ……………… 
12. There …………… ……………… carrots.
13. ………… there …………… wine? Yes, there ……………

II. Fill in the gaps with some, any, how much or how many:

1. There isn’t ……………… milk left.
2. ………………… potatoes are there?
3. There are ……………… biscuits on the packet. We don’t have to buy ……………
4. ……………… water is there? There are 3 litres.
5. There is ………… tea in the teapot.
6. There isn’t …………… fruit juice in the fridge.
7. Do you want …………… soda?
8. There aren’t ………… good films on at the cinema.
9. Can I have ………… chocolate biscuits, please?
10. ……………… money is there in your pocket?
11. There aren’t …………… eggs to make the omelette.
12. ………………… carrots are there for the salad?
13.  ……………… loaves of bread are there?
14. There isn’t ……………… champagne for the party.

· Mary can´t answer the phone because she _______ her hair.(wash)
· Ann ________ her hair every day. (wash)
· I ________ music very much . (like)
· Susan ________ to go to the beach with you.
· What time________ on holidays? ( They/ wake up)
· Linda is the one who ________ a blue jumper. (wear)
· Good students ________ hard. (always/ study)
· ________at the moment? (she/not/work)
· It ­________in Summer. (never/ rain)
· It________ now. (rain)
· I ________ irregular verbs in the evening (usually/ revise)
· My brother ________ German at school this year. (not/learn)
· Why ________(you/ think) the teacher ________ my name ( write down)
· She never________ her homework at the weekend ( do)
· I ________(not/know) why she ________now (cry)
· My sister ________ music at the moment ( study)
· I ________  late. (wake up)

Central Idea

-It is the basis of our information.
-Must state a “real world” problem for us to solve.
-Must be interesting and a present day issue.
-Must be an affirmative sentence.
-It MUST take into account all the subjects from all the teams.